this one?
about that topic? yes.
i'm interested to see what the truth will be in this C_A op (the Khashoggi affair).
personally i find the "he was bringing $ to finance a coup" of the current crown leadership" to be the most believable.
i have no proof… i know nothing.
but when CNN is driving the storyline, with Brennan spewing, with WAPO cover story, family arms dealing history, among many other talking points that are very specifically projecting to break up the POTUS/New SA trade/peace solution.
they all want into the US… but look at all the blank stares when the guy at the front raises both his hands and yells "TOUCHDOWN!!".
just not going to work out.
Canada is complicit is so much shit.
they love their smug, "we're filled with goodness" world perception… but when the scab get's ripped off, Canadians are going to have a wake up call.
no one is watching CNN
can't have any tint to the skin… a true royal, when going shirtless, is so white you can see their heart beating.
i agree anon.