I don't know which networks they are on (no-tv fag)
>Chris Guomo (where does he go?)
Joy Ried
Wolf Blitzer
Brian Stelter (?)
Lester Holt
Chuck Todd (?)
Chris Matthews (I thought he died for some reason?)
Matt Lauer (he's out of a job there, right?)
<Non network news
The fat one (not Roseanne)
>Jimmy Kimmel
>Bill Maher
(?) = I'm guessing as to which network
>the other thing we need to point out is Q specifically said McLean, which we all know what lives there…
Mika moved there in 1976 when Zbig was Carter's NS advisor (this is in the spreadsheet guys)
I put him on there because Q posted next about MIke, his dad, so obviously we should pay attention to some degree…