They pull our strings, poison our world, they assassinate, wage our wars, give us fake-spirituality. They formulate chemical cocktails which they give to children to make them loopy and hyperactive, they devise violent movie and TV entertainments of all kinds to reduce us to the level of blood lovers brooding on bullets wounds and dark vengeance. They edit and write our books, newspaper and movies, taking care to remove the truth and replace it with lies. They organise to shut down alternative-news broadcasters on the internet, knowing full well they’re speaking the absolute truth, and truth is the one taboo word in this world. The ‘truth’ is the one idea which cannot be transmitted and discussed. Lies, media spin and ‘entertainment’ are what we are given instead.
Most of them have no idea what they’re working towards, the most bovine and least spiritually sensitive of them will imagine that they are indeed doing good and helping world progress as a whole. In their lodges they will re-enact the various mummeries they have been taught, and they may enjoy the convivial lunches, but something is eluding them, they may be sat with people who they think they know, they may be part of a group they think they understand, but unsuspected to them lies a whole other dimension of communication within the lodge, of looks and gestures, and words unspoken but whose meaning is clear to their other brothers. Of secrets, of compartmentalisation, of special meetings they know nothing about. This is the real business of the lodge.
Make no mistake, this is ‘their’ world. Everything in it is there because they’ve put it there. Their bottom line is profit and if they can corrupt humanity along the way so much the better. They do everything at cut price, polluting our food, our world and our minds. They tease us with visions of semi naked women, driving our benign desires to an acrid frenzy, sexualising everything in the whole world to make a buck, they give life and they take it away. They have instituted a fake twilight life where most of us live through our TV’s in a virtual fantasy. They make us work, they make us buy, we work, buy, on and on until we one day die. We do it all at their bidding, no wonder they act like God, albeit the old testament version of God, when they have so many souls caught in their thrall dancing to their tunes.
From what I have observed of the higher realms of Masonry there is much that is very sinister indeed. The mysteries of initiatic science: the birthright which is kept from the profane, is little short of black magic and is used (again from what I have observed) to create nothing short of a mind controlled international army which at any time can be mobilised to perform any task without consultation of individual conscience and under strict, military style orders.
What better way to control someone’s mind than by actually being there? These people can literally be present in your mind as you go about your business. This is a dark side to the new age goal of ‘oneness’. It all sounds very cosy but oneness with what? What they mean is ‘oneness’ with the hierarchy: every person has their place and position and their psychic orders. You can imagine how complete the slavery must be when you can’t leave the room where the master is giving orders, or stick your fingers in your ears because the master is inside you forever.
The most important of all of these ancient groups is the Brotherhood of the Snake, or Dragon, and was simply known as the Mysteries. The snake and dragon are symbols that represent wisdom.
The father of wisdom is Lucifer, also called the Light Bearer. The focus of worship for the Mysteries was Osiris, the name of a bright star that the ancients believed had been cast down onto the earth.
The literal meaning of Lucifer is "bringer of light" or "the morning star." After Osiris was gone from the sky, the ancients saw the Sun as the representation of Osiris ("…it is claimed that, after Lucifer fell from Heaven, he brought with him the power of thinking as a gift for mankind." Fred Gittings,
Symbolism in Occult Art)
Most of the greatest minds that ever lived were initiated into the society of Mysteries by secret and dangerous rites, some of which were very cruel. Some of the most famous were known as Osiris, Isis, Sabazius, Cybele and Eleusis. Plato was one of these initiates and he describes some of the mysteries in his writings.
Plato's initiation encompassed three days of entombment in the Great Pyramid, during which time he died (symbolically), was reborn, and was given secrets that he was to preserve.
In 1826 an American Freemason wrote a book revealing Masonic secrets entitled Illustrations of Freemasonry.
One of the secrets that he revealed is that the last mystery at the top of the Masonic pyramid is the worship of Lucifer. We have since learned the secret of the "story of the murder of Hiram Abif."
Hiram Abif represents intelligence, liberty and truth, and was struck down by a blow to the neck with a rule, representing the suppression of speech by the church; then he was struck in the heart with the square, representing the suppression of belief by the State; and finally he was struck on the head by a maul, representing the suppression of intellect by the masses.
Freemasonry thus equates the Church, the State, and the masses with tyranny, intolerance, and ignorance. What Morgan revealed was that the Freemasons were pledged to avenge Hiram Abif and that their plan was to strike down the Church, the State, and the freedom of the masses.
Obama’s handler Zbigniew Brzezinski, a big-time New World Order globalist insider, put the matter rather bluntly by asserting that it was now harder to control, but easier to kill, a million people.
Specifically, he said that “new and old powers face” an unprecedented situation; the “lethality of their power is greater than ever”, but, sadly for the NWO globalists, their “capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historical low.”
Humanity’s consciousness is rising.
People are starting to get wise to the deception. The masses are resisting, not complying and fighting back, and this is exactly the kind of behavior that will make it difficult for the Controllers to implement their NWO agenda of a One World Government, backed by a one world currency and army, with a fully microchipped population.
Brzezinski said that “in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people” while “today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.”
To the NWO, who are heavily into eugenics and depopulation, it is no big deal to kill a million people.
Their plan as laid out in the Georgia Guidestones is to reduce the world’s population to 500 million, a much “manageable” amount.
In a world full of incredible darkness and corruption, this is something to be optimistic about. We the People have become aware enough that we are starting to end our slavery and escape being controlled and mastered.
May the journey towards fuller awareness continue. The human spirit of strength and love will ultimately prevail; but in the meantime there’s a lot of work to be done.
Zbigniew Brzezinski It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control them
WAKE UP PEOPLE! ! ! ! ! !
"Namely, in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally. Than physically to kill a million people. TODAY, it is easier INFINTELY to kill a million people, than to control a million people."
THIS IS MIKA'S DAD?! Jesus Christ..this has opened so many doors in my mind just now..