Anonymous ID: a4e16d Oct. 22, 2018, 9:29 p.m. No.3571098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Making perfect sense, DARPA’s Information Innovation Office kicked of its Machine Common Sense effort last week with a “Proposers’ Day” designed to brief potential bidders on program requirements. The key areas of focus are two-fold: building machines that learn from experience “like a child” and learning from reading like a “research librarian.”

The agency said it would fund research exploring developmental psychology, then establish a set of cognitive development milestones for determining how the resulting computational models learn in three areas: experience learning, prediction and “expectation” as well as problem solving.

A parallel effort will use web browsing to assemble a repository of machine common sense capable of answering queries based on natural language and images. The results will be tested against the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence benchmark. (Paul Allen, the Microsoft co-founder who died earlier this month, doubled the institute’s budget earlier this year to expand its research into machine common sense.

