No anon. They have to kill the goy with their gloves on.
77 minutes 77 seconds anon!
it looks like a thermal image thngie side on of a guy with a hard dick
back-lash? what do you mean anon? what didn't they like?
shame he didn't kill him on the spot.
It's exhausting being terrified and hateful at the same time. they'll be much healthier mentally once they hit rock bottom and begin again. i dont know what the two fat Warren-loving dykes with "McGovern For Congress" and "Jay Gonzalez" signs at the bottom of the hill are going to do once their darlings are all arrested, tried, convicted and gibbeted. I fear for them.
That we know. We know and we are prepared to act.
They truly believe we're going to hurt them. Madness. I still think some of them just like the attention and the drama. Showing off is what it was called when I was young.