I posted this last night but everyone was still wrapped up in the rally.
It probably needs some tweaking since it appears his $$ is being laundered through quite a few organizations.
To try to throw "investigators" off and make them think he's still alive. It's a poor likeness tho
I hope it's true that POTUS is sending the military. Their beating the hell out of the Mexican police.
That's all outlined in the graphic I posted earlier.
There wouldn't be a lot of sense in having a military if we couldn't use it to prevent an invasion. Preventing invasion is, after all, their primary purpose for existing.
AWACS up in OK too
>>because "the energy has changed."
Translation: We've lost control and I want to get the ef out of here before I end up in prison.
KEK.. fuck off shill. There is nothing "unpatriotic" about being loyal to your country.
Are these the Bangladeshi's they flew in to join the hoard? Or is this just some random pic?
My apologies anon. I totally misread the images you posted.
It's plausible, but I don't think it would be in our best interest to wait until what appears to be several thousand (many violent) invaders get to the border to find out.
Here too:
Think calm thoughts