In my previous article, Gaia's Gurus, I described how many of the leaders of the modern green movement frequently refer to the earth as a sentient super-organism called Gaia. While researching the biographies of these environmental leaders I was very surprised to discover that many of them are members of an organization called the Club of Rome (CoR). I was even more surprised to discover that the entire manifesto of the Global Green Agenda is laid out in the reports and books published by this Club. They believe that modern industrial society is “crucifying Gaia” and “our only hope is to transform humanity into an interdependent global sustainable Earth Community, based on reverence and respect for Gaia.” They refer to this transformation as the First Global Revolution.
In order to achieve this global transformation the members of the CoR have established a network of interlinked organizations focused on various aspects of their agenda. If you examine the biographies of prominent CoR members and then look at the organizations they have founded you will find they are stacked full of other CoR members. Dozens of foundations, councils, societies, and think-tanks state that their 'mission' is to consider new forms of governance, sustainability and global consciousness, but when you check their list of members they all contain the same core group of people!
Perhaps the single most powerful event facing humanity today is a great awakening on a planetary scale that has been millennia in the making. We humans are in the midst of a profound advance as a species to a higher form of global consciousness that has been emerging across cultures, religions and worldviews through the centuries. This awakening of global consciousness is nothing less than a shift, a maturation, from more egocentric patterns of life to a higher form of integral and dialogic patterns of life. In this drama it is seen that egocentric patterns of minding and living directly lead to fragmentation, alienation and human pathologies at the individual and collective level.
The awakening of global consciousness is a new and monumental event in human evolution, even though it has been emerging throughout our diverse spiritual traditions through the ages. But this great event in the human drama is not readily apparent because people tend to process reality from their personalized perspectives, worldviews, narratives or cultural lens. Whereas access to global consciousness comes only if and when we are able to stand back and gain critical distance from our particular localized perspectives and enter the more expansive space of a global perspective in the awakening of the global mind.
The Club of Rome is an organisation of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference. Our members are notable scientists, economists, businessmen and businesswomen, high level civil servants and former heads of state from around the world. Their efforts are supported by the Secretariat in Winterthur, Switzerland, the European Research Centre registered in Constance, Germany and National Associations in more than 30 countries.
The Club of Rome conducts research and hosts debates, conferences, lectures, high-level meetings and events. The Club also publishes a limited number of peer-reviewed “Reports to the Club of Rome”, the most famous of which is “The Limits to Growth“.
The Club of Rome’s mission is to promote understanding of the global challenges facing humanity and to propose solutions through scientific analysis, communication and advocacy. Recognising the interconnectedness of today’s global challenges, our distinct perspective is holistic, systemic and long-term.