Shepfag should work for Nancy Pelosi, not FoxNews.
So much ew.
We def could use some bombs about that demon Newsom.
As one anon said, add property taxes too.
He sounded like a scared, whiny schoolgirl from what I heard.
Reines has a lisp filter on his twatter.
Mueller is a thorough crook. Just look at his team.
Classic unforgettable event lol
Lick 'em if you got 'em.
Disgraceful, treasonous faggot.
If youre not liberal when youre young, you have no heart; if youre not conservative when youre old, you dont have a brain. ~ Churchill.
Zero ethusiasm shown for Newsom at a deep blue neighborhood bar event Saturday night. Zero.
Normies dont even know who this cuckfaggot is.