Anonymous ID: aa09ad Feb. 12, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.358450   🗄️.is 🔗kun

THEOCRATIC BANDS AND THE WAR IN HEAVEN. Referencing Q Matrix post here.


"The concept of a Theocrat as a human who chooses to exert power over and ultimately to consume other humans…


Griffith's Invisible College contact states that many notorious tyrants, conquerors, evil religious leaders, black magicians, and criminals have become Theocrats after death, but so have some people whom history calls saints or benign geniuses. This is due to the well-known tendency of power to corrupt, not to mention the prospect of achieving immortality (though most are eventually destroyed by other Theocrats).


Theocrats as a class have ruled both the Earth and its astral plane throughout most of human history. This includes most of the medieval Popes and other religious leaders notorious for being cynical and power-hungry.


The Theocrats' method of absorbing energy from other spirits affects their growth patterns, causing their astral soul to go out of balance, and eventually driving them into irrational, insane, and self-destructive behavior.


Theocrats acquire bands of enslaved spirits, containing from a couple of dozen to several thousand, with the average in the low hundreds.


Each Theocratic band works with a corresponding group of living people, whether religious, occult, political, or of other common interests: popular music, sports, or centered on other media. Theocrats can be found hanging around almost any place where crowds gather. (Remember that the astral plane is not a "place". It is right here, but of a different density.)"


Kyle Griffith, War In Heaven




Don't let this die.