Anonymous ID: 1d49f5 Feb. 12, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.358537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8548 >>8623


What is the end goal?

Retain control, immortality, advancement, profit fleece the sheep.

What is power? influencing others to amplify your will, your impact on the world.

What is the goal?

Religion? only a tool to manipulate, exert influence?, double bind theory of schizophenia, divide and destroy a people, make then weak and obedient, discount truth when it conflicts with doctorine(result of schizophenia, unable to see the forest for the trees, words become focus, message is lost, -they can't decode meta data/reality only literal meanings)

What is goal of cabal? retain elite position, seek immortality, advance self, refine self, rebuild self, filter, harvest, refine, repeat, seek god, become god.

What is god? higher being, past proves present? How to recombine that which was diluted?


Prometheus, recombine become god?

We are all god, god is inside all of us, they harvest us, and are very focused on DNA screening, aret hey trying to rebuilding or become god (advanced being)

just an idea? also environment adjusts your DNA, so harvesting DNA at birth would be logical.