Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 7:23 p.m. No.358553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

from old bread



>I unsubscribed from Corsi's channel once I knew he is pushing the Zionist party line.


They TRIED discussing Israel on the stream…twat didn't really know a thing about it…except it was a country…and no one else dare chime in…because Corsi…and forget Q…he's never said 1 damn thing about Israel and I know for a FACT BIBI has been in on the blackmail for a very long time…where do you think Lolita Island cameras were uploading to..what did Bibi mean when he said (on hidden camera when queried about the Oslo Accords) that America is easy to control and that they'd do what he wanted. THIS shit has to end..and if anyone thinks Trump's playing nice nice means he's a fool..forget about that…Jewish fam or not Trump is not a damn fool..he's already mentioned cutting off their aid. The one thing I AM pissed what the FUCK are we doing in Syria..Israel wants their land back lost fair and square to Syria…and they co-funded ISIS with US…anyone ever wonder why rabid muz never ever fucked with Israel? They also dearly want to get into Iran…they didn't find what they were looking for (both US and Israel) in any country they've invaded yet…in this way..Trump has seriously disappointed me. He promised no regime change politics..and there we are. FUCKEM>

Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.358596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8624 >>8990

from last bread



GOD's the NK national flower, the Magnolia.



OH it possible to put an ANONYMOUS in know...expect us?

Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 7:38 p.m. No.358670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8747 >>8812


WTAF…you think you're worthless? DUDE your newsweek covers are top shelf graphic work…I don't say stuff like that easy….I absolutely thought you did this for srs money and were gifting us your amazing talent.

Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.358734   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Lol is that 4real?


LOL no but it's hysterical…excellent shoop is excellent!



>The book Middlesex.


that was a most excellent book and yes, inbreeding…is rampant in the (cough) bloodlines families (BTW there is NO bloodline..that is one of the longest running LARPS in history)…a few of them have RH- which WAS bad for reproduction back in the day they sorted out their offspring lived the more closely related..but also close marriages were to keep money and property in fam…too many tards came out of it..SRSLY go have a look at some portraits..and poor King Tut…so they started marrying each other. I know a guy whose grandparents (top fams) married so they could breed…and not have to marry cousins. Trufax..

Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 7:46 p.m. No.358769   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Imagine the outrage if POTUS chose a white portrait artist who, in other works, depicted white people decapitating black people


SO shoopfags…reverse the colors…post them and see what happens…

Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 7:55 p.m. No.358851   🗄️.is 🔗kun

old breads




>Q has pics.


Q could have video of them humping each other and hillary licking a child but no one would believe it. Sorry…look at all the proof of life JA did and still people refused to believe…so



>Be prepared for a change in tone anons. The Porter thing is bigger than being let on. Complex. VVVVVeeerrryyyy complex.


sauce? what porter thing…the wife beater? the one dating Hope?

Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.358934   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>358460 (You)


>In the bowels of my Twitter stream are Trump supporters who believe that I, an American citizen, should be shipped to Gitmo, without trial, because my last name matches one in their antisemitic conspiracy theory. And, they are really concerned about Carter Page's due-process.


LOL grow some skin of my besties is a Rothie too…and a ginger…boy do we have fun with her. Used to play with Ev and Nat…and James was a total hoot..he used to call us useless eaters…kek..people believed him …just twat back…that they're all useless eaters made to be slaves to your name. Jaysus…but to be honest your asshat hateful posts about Trump aren't helping your case much…just sayin'…hahahaha this speech won't be remembered tomorrow…the night before an attempted assassination of GOP? Come on…even I smell a fart in that one…could be coincidence…maybe stop being such an entitled dick…HA James was a hysterical entitled dick…we used to have the most fun making the useless eaters angry…those were the good old days. MAGA!



Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 8:11 p.m. No.359007   🗄️.is 🔗kun



First guy was a top conspiracy theorist….


GW was saying…dude stop being so paranoid…


the more things change the more they stay the same :D


George didn't think the US Masons were like the olde country…what do we think…the first coverup?

Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 8:24 p.m. No.359101   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I find it very hard to swallow the bigger pill that behind all of this is an illuminate type org which breeds humans for fun and games, satanic rituals and body parts. I am struggling to come to terms with this,


Let me help…if you wanted to use a mind control on anyone..child adult……would you start from scratch or would you use an already existing boogeyman? EVERY child at least in western culture has some sort of boogeyman…for MANY it's the imagery of Satan. Every small xian kid is terrified of satan and if their parents let them sit in on hell fire and brimstone me the mental imagery kids come up with all on their own is horrific (I know I was such a kid)…so if you are engaging in child trafficking..this happens..what sort of imagery / terror would you use to create a sense of obedience? SATAN..


conversely there are people who claim to be followers of the light yet participate in a out and out cannibal ritual in church…and these people FIRMLY believe in a lot of things, like holy invisible sperm…lots of idiotic shit..they think THEIR beliefs are the best…on the other side you have people who believe THEIR shit's the best…there's little room between them…not really…if you want a really firm example go listen to a hasidim rabbi on jewtube or watch haradi / hasidim attacking people will think HORY SHEET that's like the muz in Malmo.


Cognitive dissonance…each side refusing to recognize their sameness.


But for the ritual stuff…some people do it to create a lasting memory..I firmly believe the nixon raping the child on the plane in OZ….was a man in a nixon mask…that kind of would the kid know different..then if they ever try to talk…who is going to believe them…on the other hand we have clear proof that people with money and position DO actually TOP circle.


I once knew someone..from uber top…and trust me the mind conditioning from birth about superiority and RIGHT…we got in a massive fight once over their interference in another country's gov…their RIGHT..this person truly honestly believed it…just like a xian raised from birth to believe in that religion this person was raised from birth to believe they were special and had every right. Religion is an ACCIDENT OF BIRTH and nothiing more, it is an IMPRINT of family..not a choice..if the average american xian were born in Afghanistan…they'd BE A MUZ


I totally get your confusion but it's more about what people believe, who taught them to believe it, it's generational brainwashing at its best and it has NO distinction of doctrine absolutely each and ever person believes their way is right..they tend to congregate with people who believe the way they do.


it's that simple if you can let go of rightness and get to 40K.

Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 8:33 p.m. No.359194   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FBIanon knew more than….just saying..and he was a damn straight talker..had he stayed around the troops would have aided him…just sayin'

Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.359238   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>that God is the biggest glowing clown nigger to have ever been and will be.

No shit sherlock…at least this Jehovah asshole monster god self described as WRATHFUL, ANGRY, VENGEFUL, JEALOUS….fuckinA if I am gonna have a god it's gonna be better than a human…just sayin'


the cargo cult gods are a distraction..the universal love has no need for us to defend, no need to be jealous, no reason to be angry…no need to command…love is what it is…it's really quite freeing to let go of that vicious concept of god..I mean..what sort of asshole says to his kids..LOVE ME OR DIE…(it's your choice)…Or..whispers in the ear of a father and says…PROVE YOU LOVE ME…KILL YOUR SON…kek..just kidding.


For some reason (conditioning) people completely lose common sense the second anyone says GOD. Talk about top shelf mind control.

Anonymous ID: 8e0be8 Feb. 12, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.359261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9271


pretty sure love me or die isn't free will. fear-based religion…..isn't really about free will…but butbut you have a choice…to follow god or die…TOP KEK..think about what the fuck you're actually saying.