I agree with you and said so in one of the last threads but the "team" likes to read WAY too much into the damn carpet… not that there might not be something to the flowers but the team needs to read up on Masonic symbolism and the occult. because this is exactly what this photo is about. The chairs and the position of the men. it was a signal to other masons that they are in formation or some sort of power position.
you fuck off seriously. sick of people like you who know nothing about symbolism telling others they're wrong when you have NOTHING to offer but your opinion that he is wrong but not why. you need to fuck back off to normie land and you don't belong here.
gotta disagree with you anon. The painting is good and he is a great artist. may not like his politics but he does know how to paint. It is a really beautiful painting. It is also very different and will be an interesting piece in the White House. Art fag here and I wish i could paint as good as he does.
read up on Masonic occultism
its all based on Solomon's Temple which was destroyed… but It goes WAY back to biblical times… It is a rabbit hole that will haunt you when you are done. I recommend the William cooper series, its from his radio show but there are 40+ radio recordings you can find on the internet and start with the first one. he talks about all of that. Walter Veith is another good source and he is a good man to listen to.