Well how about that Wednesday coinkydink.
/ourguys/ knew about today in March.
>Packages were never mailed
The photos of the package show that the stamps were never voided; ergo, you are correct: the package was hand-delivered by a courier..
So ehhโฆ When do we start calling this group offoreign invaders what they are, instead of allowing the NPC "caravan" crap to go on, Mr. Dubs?
They walked that back because ''we made them walk it back.''
Make no mistake about that. You hear that shills?
We control the zeitgeist now. Your narrative is shitty and weak.
No they don't. If they did, they would not need to spam their bullshit mercilessly.
Truth needs no such force. It stands on it's own merit.
It would appear that you are holding evidence of you claims in that image which I have stolen ;)
Something did change. I think we are noticing the effects of dwindling resource streams. The waves of operators vs shillshop peeps is starting to have a "lack of coverage" feel to it at times. And actual operators posting (like last night, the ones that actually have debate chops) are happening more sparingly.. seems like they are only called in for missions now (ie- the caravan, the bombs)โฆ
I could be wrong; but that's how it's been feeling to me, fwiwโฆ