Late 18th cent-early 19th cent
-French revolution. Blood bath. Bodies underneath Paris
-Napoleon takes over, temporarily gains edge. Europe turns on Napoleon. Blood bath.
-France over never recovers.
19th cent
-England rules over the world by having a suicidal army.
-By mid 20th century army is depleted and spread to thin.
-Germany wants to murk to England for revenge.
-Toynbee and chamberlain underestimate Hitler. Hitler sweeps Europe.
-Churchill comes in.
-Suicidaly crazy
-US neutral
-US shares history with English
-Sees then walking into the lions mouth
-Even though it's in their interest to let Germany and Russia murk eachother. US intervenes.
-MacArthur arrives in the pacific. With Russia as an ally kicks ass but is so shrewd and brilliant has plan to sweep through rest of Asia over next century.
-Truman sabotages MacArtur by starting Korean War. MacArthur saw all the shit we deal with today with a divided north and south and emphasized this was not his choice in his farewell to congress.
-After WW2
-Dulles raids Hitler's bunker (right)
-Russia raids Hitler's bunker (right)
-Patton sees Russia for what it is. Wants to continue on into Russia and take them out, save their people.
-Patton assassinated.
-Berlin split
-Eisenhower comes home.
-Elected to office.
-Fool unwittingly creates vast MIC
-JFK comes in
-Gangster family
-Brothers are patriots of highest order.
-Bobby goes to war with mob despite their ties.
-JFK goes to war with MIC
-Surrounded by enemies they stand no chance
-real martyrs
We've been complacent with the status quo until now.
England and Germany have always been cabal. France was lost in the revolution chaos.
America has stood as shining beacon until WW2 aftermath.
-Germany was first country to begin resettling their Jews in British Palestine.
See Toynbee.
Learn the truth.