Anonymous ID: 90a2b4 Feb. 12, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.359722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

On historical slave gardens as linked to by Q:



You may have heard that Finland has started a Universal Basic Income experiment. It is rushed and not very scientifically valid (because we are talking about our current government), but the preliminary reports in the media have mentioned that multiple long-term unemployed people in the experiment have started their own small businesses to gain a little extra money on the side now that becoming an unsuccessful or marginally successful entrepreneur doesn't mean financial ruin.


There has been another new thing relating to unemployment in Finland recently. The so-called "active model" law financially punishes the unemployed for not being "active", by which they mean getting a job or another government approved activity. Diligently sending many job applications doesn't count as being "active". Since there aren't enough jobs, the various government "job activities" (which there still aren't enough, especially in rural areas) are needed to avoid the benefit cuts. These "job activities" can range from participating in what is little more than adult daycare to doing real (formerly paid) work for a token fee that doesn't even necessarily cover transportation costs. It has been a big controversy.


Now to get back to the slave garden, the NWO plan may be that everyone gets a basic income, but in exchange for that the government reserves the right to push people "from their lazy asses" to do some productive work to justify the money. Thus we get to the government as a slave owner and the people's individually chosen jobs as slave gardens.


There is a lot of wrong with the political situation in Finland at the moment. An example is the traffic law proposed with big fanfare by the Swiss traffic minister Anne Berner, whose name keeps popping up. Among other things, Berner wanted satellite trackers installed in all cars. The prime minister praised the law. However the sweeping proposal was such obvious nonsense (these people are stupid!) that even the governing coalition partners didn't like it, noticing details such as the proposal assuming that a lot of money would appear out of thin air. The short-lived controversy was brought to a swift end when the car dealerships said that they would all be bankrupt by spring because of the proposal.


By the way, Tesla has satellite trackers in all cars. They admit it. They even know people's air conditioner settings. This is all public knowledge. Finland's prime minister has a Tesla and Finland like many countries subsidizes electric cars.