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Where is Bill Priestap – FBI’s Counter-Intelligence Head


December 28, 2017 by Jeff Carlson, CFA


I first came across the name Bill Priestap in early April 2017, as I was going through House Intelligence Committee testimony given by James Comey on March 20, 2017:



Sally Yates and Bill Priestap, respectively.


Bruce Ohr reported directly to Yates. Peter Strzok reported directly to Bill Priestap.


I find it implausible to believe that Yates and Priestap were unaware of the activities of Ohr and Strzok.


The timeline – and severity – of events support this contention.


To recap – Bill Priestap:


Was – per Comey – the individual responsible for making the decision not to inform Congressional leadership – the Gang of Eight – about the July 2016 FBI investigation.

Was directly involved in the surveillance and investigation of Michael Flynn.

Oversaw the activities of FBI Agent Strzok. Strzok was involved in all facets of the Clinton investigation and interviewed Flynn.

Gave approval for the use of the Trump Dossier.

Gave approval of background documents used in FISA warrant preparation.

Was responsible for preparing and presenting the FBI’s Russian Assessment.

Priestap was either directly responsible – or directly oversaw those who were responsible – for every facet of the Clinton Investigation, the Trump Dossier creation and the Trump-Russia Investigation.


Based on the magnitude of the information – and the manner in which the information was used – I find it equally implausible to believe that Yates and Priestap wouldn’t inform their bosses – Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (and almost certainly FBI Director James Comey).


Bill Priestap’s boss, FBI Deputy Director McCabe has been encountering his own series of troubles