All Partners Access Network
All Partners Access Network (APAN), formerly called Asia-Pacific Area Network, is a United States Department of Defense (USDOD) social networking Website used for information sharing and collaboration.[2] APAN is the premier collaboration enterprise for the USDOD.[3] The APAN network of communities fosters multinational interaction and multilateral cooperation by allowing users to post multimedia and other content in blogs, wikis, forums, document libraries and media galleries. APAN is used for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief, Exercise Planning, Conferences and Work Groups.[4] APAN provides non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and U.S. partner nations who do not have access to traditional, closed USDOD networks with an unclassified tool to communicate.[5]
CENTRIXS is the Combatant Commander's network for coalition. CENTRIXS is designed to be a global, interoperable, interconnected, inexpensive, and easy-to use system to share intelligence and operations information through reliable communications connectivity, data manipulation, and automated processes. The CENTRIXS environment is a combination of network and applications services. CENTRIXS provides a secured exchange of intelligence and operational information through reliable communication networks There are 40+ CENTRIXS networks/communities of interest (COIs) providing selected centralized services including: Active Directory/DNS Roots, VoIP, WSUS and Anti-Virus Definitions, and at least 80 countries plus NATO nations participate in the various CENTRIXS networks/COIs.[1]
[PDF]CFBLNet - NCI Agency - NATO
CFBLNet. The Connected Forces Network for Exercise, Trial, Test and Training. A network for all phases before mission deployment and operations. CFBLNet Communities Enabling the coalition. Supported by Visit us on the web at: http:// European & NATO CFBLNet PoP: …
Combined Federated Battle Laboratories Network - Wikipedia
The Combined Federated Battle Laboratories Network (CFBLNet) is a laboratory environment which utilizes a distributed Wide Area Network (WAN) as the vehicle to simulate training environments and to de-risk command and control (C2) and intelligence capabilities by conducting Research and Development, Training, …
This Is How Five Eyes Dies
Five Eyes - Wikipedia
MNIS Virtual Data Center
Virtual Data Center (VDC). DISA has deployed strategically placed global VDCs where multiple discrete mission enclaves will be converged on a single platform while maintaining distinct virtual network separation and enabling rapid deployment of mission-supporting services within a flexible cloud model. MNIS VDC provides a multi-mission enclave virtualization system that delivers the same computing, networking, and data storage functions of a physical data center. The VDC portfolio provides a support framework for both enduring and episodic mission needs by delivering a rapid mission enclave standup in days versus months.