Anonymous ID: e9a001 Feb. 12, 2018, 9:46 p.m. No.359900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9916 >>9927 >>9959 >>0039 >>0064 >>2136


OK, there are more basic problems with the photo. It's NOT Kim Jong Il



It appears that the photo has been manipulated and an older photo of Kim has been shopped in.

The other photo's of Clinton and the double together are out of focus but the colour of Kim's clothes are different. I did a test and the comparative colours of everyone else's clothes are the same.

David Straub's hand has his finger pointing down. It is in a position you would use if you were holding a notepad or similar. It looks as if he is holding a ring bound yellow legal pad end on but there would be a "side" of it visible at this angle.

Podesta's hand is far too dark.

Robert Band's hands are in a very unnatural but recognisable position.

The shadows of the woman & Straub are at an angle of 45 degrees. Podesta's shadow is projected directly behind him onto the back wall. It is not an elongation of the end two's shadow although at first glance it could be but are not.

There are no shadows on the actual mural.

There is sunlight on the wall. If a flash was used - and it would be, it would wash out the sun light especially on the right hand side where it had to be placed to cause the 45 degree angle.

They are all looking in slightly different angles.

The resolutions of the faces are all different.

The gap in the middle is strange in that Podesta should be slightly more to the right for his shadow to align.

There is no shadow from the chairs or the seated subjects.

There is digital noise around all figures

The carpet has been "replaced" and the room refurbished. In the photo with Madeleine Albright they are standing in the same approximate place in front of the mural. There is a large dark patch in the white spray next to Kims right shoulder.

He is standing at roughly the same distance away as Podesta is But the patch is above Podestas shoulder. Kim was a famously short man and the "patch" would not be so far down on him.

The cream wall beneath the mural has been changed and a marble looking frontispiece has been installed on the floor under the granite strip.

The carpet is completely different.

The centre back wall has lots of digital noise on it

So, apart from that, everything is fine….KEK

Having looked at the photo and taking into account that there was 14 months between the Clinton and Albright visits, I think that the entire photo is a construct.

There is a chance that Clinton knew that Kim was already dead and that it was being covered up.

Most people seem to agree that the rescue of the "journalists" was a fantasy cover story.

The woman who I now believe to be the American translator, as she was behind Clinton as haas getting off the plane and sitting beside him at the meeting, is labelled as Kang Seok Ju but HE was a highly regarded NK minister who:

"In the 1990s, he was prominently involved in diplomatic talks with the United States over the issue of his country's nuclear programme. He was subsequently in charge of supervising North Korea's relations with the United States, which became his area of expertise.[4] Reuters states that Kang "engineered the development of the North's nuclear programme that […] has been the key source of regional security tensions"

I think that this was the true reason for this meeting. The rest then falls into place with Clinton giving America a "great deal". U1 Etc. then makes complete sense.