Anonymous ID: db7d48 Oct. 24, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.3597151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7159 >>7171



I know this might make some people angry, but how do we know Hillary hasn't flipped?


Hear me out before you judge. It's no secret that Hillary and Hussein don't like each other. Her 2008 campaign rhetoric would be considered conservative compared to today's democrat party. That election was rigged in favor of Hussein right from the start. To keep the country, especially the Democrat Party, content due to Hussein placing minorities who hate the USA everywhere in his administration, he placed Hillary as Secretary of State. A few years later, Benghazi happened.


Look I absolutely can't stand Hillary, but how in the hell was Benghazi her fault? That was 100% Hussein's scandal but he is such a narcissist that he wouldn't take responsibility. So, he put all the blame on Hillary and had her removed from his administration.


Hillary didn't campaign in several swing states. She told Pennsylvania and West Virginia she would shut down their steel and coal. She didn't show any interest in bringing back manufacturing to Michigan either. No campaigning in Wisconsin. Now, many can say that she didn't campaign in those states because she thought the election was going to be rigged and it didn't matter anyway. That's definitely a fair point.


But let's consider this. Hillary kept her private servers even after she was no longer Secretary of State. That means she was able to collect all the dirt on Hussein for his entire 8 years. What if the HRC video isn't anything damning to her, but something that she recorded of Hussein as insurance?


Who created the Russian Collusion narrative…Hillary Clinton.


What did this narrative lead to…Robert Mueller.


Who has benefited from the Russian narrative by keeping deep state occupied and distracted from what's really going on…POTUS.


Who did POTUS meet with one day before the start of the SC…Robert Mueller.


How many sealed indictments are there….60,000.


When Q posted about JFK Jr. and President Trump's relationship, 1999 plane crash, and HRC senate run, neither of them were in the killbox.


Enjoy the show.


"They never thought she would lose."


Correct. Hussein and the deep state never thought that she would intentionally lose the election.

Anonymous ID: db7d48 Oct. 24, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.3597186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7196


I'm not a shill. Those pictures of JFK jr. aren't implying that he's alive. I'm not a johnjohnfag. The pictures are meant to show that Hillary and Bill were both very good friends with the Kennedy family. Hillary was close with Jackie too.

Anonymous ID: db7d48 Oct. 25, 2018, 12:14 a.m. No.3597238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7252


I said something similar earlier in the bread. Hussein, Holder, Valerie Jarrett, and Soros absolutely have NOT flipped. And I don't believe they are under cover either. Their actions don't suggest it at all. They are all sick in the head and want to see the destruction of the United States. The only ones that I think may have or could be persuaded to flip are Hillary and Bill. She has a shit ton of dirt on everyone.