Anonymous ID: e59b3a Oct. 24, 2018, 10:33 p.m. No.3596782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6865 >>6929 >>6947 >>7082 >>7135 >>7352 >>7379 >>7425

Biggest political scandal in Alaska's history being swept under the rug

I know a lot of stuff is going down right now but something has happened in Alaska that is being completely swept under the rug with no news agencies reporting on it.


Let me begin.

Last week our our Lt Governor, Byron Mallott, immediately stepped down after being involved in some a serious scandal where he said something extremely offensive to a someone, which was overheard by a large group of people at AFN. Apparently what he said was so bad that he stepped down from his position that day and Governor Walker also withdrew his bid for reelection the day after. None of the media outlets up here are covering it but people are talking about what he said and the word is starting to come out.


Before we get to that, I need to explain to you who Byron Mallot is. He’s an Alaskan Native and one of the cofounders of AFN, Alaska Federation of Natives. This is a very powerful organization with a lot of money and influence. Whenever you see his image on tv or in the paper he’s smiling and looks happy and like a straight all around guy. That couldn’t be further from the truth. It was considered normal in his office to hear him constantly scream and yell at people all the time. It was so bad that Walker had to relocate his office further away just to avoid the craziness of it. Byron is married yet he is also notorious for chasing other women and constantly having affairs. Everyone in the Southeast knows that he chases women 24/7 and is a terrible example for the upcoming generation. Here’s what happened in the latest fiasco that will cost him everything.

Mallott was having an affair with a village officer and saw her daughter at AFN. He went up to her daughter and started saying blatant, over the top sexual things about what he wanted to do to her like he had done to her mom. A significant amount of people immediately noticed and kicked him out of AFN. Why were they so quick to bury this? Because the ladies daughter is only 15 years old. So, long story short, a Democrat, in the time of #metoo, sexually assaulted and harassed a young kid and the media is trying to cover him up here.


The thing is, this isn’t a one time occurrence. How many other people have known about Mallotts proclivities? This is a small state and I’m sure Mark Begich is very aware of Mallotts behavior yet he has said nothing to speak out against it.


Ballot needs to be fucking crucified and made an example of. The Democrats up here have always known of his disgusting behavior but they’ve done nothing to put a stop to it.

Anonymous ID: e59b3a Oct. 24, 2018, 11:37 p.m. No.3597100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7120 >>7134 >>7243



there's more

Native Corporations and unions run the state.

This isn't something made up. This was told to me by a few people, all within the Walker administration or with family members inside. Everyone in Anchorage is furious about this and ready to become uncunted if it gets swept under the rug and Begich becomes governor.

Everyone I've talked to who was behind Walker isn't anymore and is behind Dunleavy 100%.

Walker chose him to seem bipartisan but mainly get the Native vote.

What's a good alternative? If Begich wins I think it's time to leave. Alaska can't survive under another neoliberal/socialist administration.

Alaska natives are the reason that the sexual assault here is the highest in the nation. Dillingham has the highest rate of it in the entire state, and most of it is due to the circled area which is Native/HUD housing.

That's why nailing Mallott would raise awareness to native sexual abuse and people would want to see investigations into their villages and all the sexual abuse that goes on.


This shit would be bigger then the Catholitc Church sex abuse cases in the mid-2000s!


And you know what else is an added bonus to all this? The Democrats up here have actively covered for these people every time there's an allegation! Such gross hypocrites.

The villages are just awful and should be disbanded.


Did you know that the villages don't even follow federal law? They don't even have police. They have a system with tribal elders. So if someone has been molested, the tribal elders will gather and decide what to do. And they do nothing but ignore it so they can all get their fat paychecks from the oil companies to use "their" land to drill for oil. It's so fucking rotten.

Did you know that 90% of all sexual abuse occurs in the villages here? If you removed villages from that study we'd be as safe as Sweden before the EU.

Begich was a blue dog in the past but democrats need to be stopped on all fronts. Their party has been taken over by communists.


There are rumors Joe might run again. Murkowski destroyed her career on the Kav vote. I'm still waiting for the Alaskan Republican party to do something to her for that…