Anonymous ID: 05bfa4 Nov. 3, 2018, 11:03 p.m. No.3723841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3988

One small request, just in case Q team is listening. I hope that seeing the activity and effort of the regular anons on this board has shown you that we can handle a little more information than was thought possible before. I’ve been obsessed with secrets, conspiracies, the truth about aliens, etc, for my entire life. I realize that the full truth might put most people in the hospital, but there are also people like us who slowly go insane trying to put together a complete picture of how the universe works, but we never really know how to sift truth from fiction, so we end up at embarrassing and stupid new age websites reading about blue chicken aliens or watching vids of indoctrinated retards talking about aliens “enhancing their vibration” because we don’t even know how to begin researching. We have no foundation of truth!

Anonymous ID: 05bfa4 Nov. 13, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.3887616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7727

Not sure if this is the best thread for this, but this is interesting. Looks like this Satan-worshipping degenerate grandfather of Barbara Bush yelled at one frog too many. WHO'S IN HOT WATER NOW MR. CROWLEY???

Anonymous ID: 05bfa4 Nov. 13, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.3888370   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think the gods who live above time and space have been preparing for this battle for a long, long time! I have to assume KEK has been taking crap for so long, being sacrificed by witches for so many years, that he's gone through his own training montage and is ready to KICK ASS.

Anonymous ID: 05bfa4 Nov. 14, 2018, 12:16 a.m. No.3896839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7919 >>7721


Why do you CE-5 retards not understand that it's not about evidence or lack of evidence, it's about contacting something of which we have no understanding? Are you people so fucking lonely and desperate and have so little self-control that you will contact the first thing that comes along??? When you read about horrific alien abductions does it just go in one ear and out the other? I don't understand the level of shilling that goes on in here, is the money really that good? I would rather eat a bullet than sell my soul and shill something like CE-5. Please for the love of God, form an alliance with the human species, stop contacting beings that are hostile and actively working against us. Jesus fucking Christ you guys are annoying.

Anonymous ID: 05bfa4 Nov. 14, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.3903198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7721


>If contact is based on an inner desire…..


Sorry shill, not everyone here is a brainlet who thinks all victims of crime secretly desired to be victims. If your daughter came home with a bloody, bruised face and told you that a gang of Muslims had raped her because the religion of peace demanded it, would you shrug and say, "If contact is based on an inner desire…" and leave it at that? Again, I can't understand the depths of the low IQ shilling that goes on in this thread. Seriously a lot of you lonely CE-5 retards have NPC-levels of disregard for danger.

Anonymous ID: 05bfa4 Nov. 15, 2018, 12:48 a.m. No.3910961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1453 >>1646 >>7258 >>7721 >>6011 >>9526 >>7668 >>9880 >>6390 >>0022

Been reading about human and cattle mutilations by (possible) aliens. The general pattern is a removal of one or both eyes, the lips and tongue, the genitals, and even the anus. The body is always drained of blood, often without a collapse of the veins and arteries, which means the victim wasn’t just hacked open and bled out. There’s usually organs missing, too.


I’ve never read anything about the brain being taken, so I don’t think they’re doing this for adrenochrome; however, they say the victims die in extreme agony, so I suppose a tube could always be jammed up the nose to extract what they need while the victim is experiencing fear, agony, and the subsequent release of adrenaline. And I doubt that studying human or animal DNA is the answer, either, as a little pinprick of blood would cover that one.


Are there any MedicalAnons lurking? You guys have any idea what would be the point of doing this to someone?


Interesting link that goes over several cases of possible human mutilation by aliens:

Anonymous ID: 05bfa4 Nov. 15, 2018, 1:06 p.m. No.3917145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7721


>Information about abductions, cattle mutilation, UFO crashes and DUMBs is decades old. Why? What does this imply?

To a brainlet it would imply that human mutilations are no longer occurring. "If it was still happening, it would be in the news, right???" To someone good at spotting patterns (anyone in here capable of that?), it means the invasion has entered a new stage. That is, if any of this shit is real. There is an onslaught of high production videos pushing people to contact creatures that, just a few years ago, were abducting and torturing people and sometimes even telling people that they were going to become one with us through some kind of bizarre hybridization program. It's almost as if people are being trained to love their conquerors. It's almost as if the aliens have figured out that we have a dog-like need to love and serve our masters. Weird, isn't it?


Also, I lol'd at this idea that old information is irrelevant. If there really are mass arrests, I can't wait to hear the first liberal on trial saying, "I admit that's me in the video raping a child… but that was years ago!"

Anonymous ID: 05bfa4 Nov. 16, 2018, 12:47 a.m. No.3924239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7721 >>9880 >>0022


Great post Anon. That should be the nail in the coffin concerning CE-5. Although, to be honest, anyone who has the drive and the almonds to come here should have been able to see through CE-5, what with the high production value on the videos (not grassroots) and the fact that Greer "came out of nowhere". Nobody comes out of nowhere and immediately has that much influence, ya ding dongs.


Now, if any Anons are interested in looking at what we know so far about the (possible) aliens coming to earth, search "David Jacobs" on youtube. You're welcome!

Anonymous ID: 05bfa4 Nov. 16, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.3929780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0336 >>6721 >>9880 >>0022


I wish I could be as blissfully unaware as you, just doing what others tell me and never feeling troubled by thought. So why do you think abductions have been reduced? Why the push to contact and accept the aliens? Did the aliens have a sudden change of heart? Hmm, let's see. Testimonies of abductees talked about a hybridization program, in which aliens wanted to create a creature that looked like us but had the ability to influence and control human minds. Such a program has been going on for, what, twenty years? Thirty? Long enough for them to have their agents in place influencing people, right? If you would use your brain and think, then you would know these creatures are taking their program to the next stage. Acceptance. They want you and every other low IQ brainlet standing on your porch with open arms, apologizing for your "corrupt" leaders and ready to accept your place in the "cosmic brotherhood". I mean it's so obvious that it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to accept that you people can be this simple and so easily led. If you are that easily led, then I would have to agree with the aliens, if they do in fact exist: You people are sheep and you deserve to be ruled by a more intelligent race. Your intense desire to serve reveals your place in the scheme of things. You're a servant and you deserve the leash you long for.



"Greer says he's not part of the corrupt media so he must be one of us!" (pic related)


Gee I wonder why Greer gets constant media spotlight but guys like David Jacobs who put together a cohesive picture of a possible alien invasion fall into obscurity? I know it can't be a conspiracy! No way! There must be some other explanation.


Anyway you guys, sorry if I came off as a little aggressive. It's just a character I play online. The truth is, I can't wait to see what other great things Hillary, John Podesta, and the faaabuloooous Thteven Gueer comes up with next!

Anonymous ID: 05bfa4 Nov. 16, 2018, 9 p.m. No.3936160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6011 >>1159


My IQ didn't drop since the first time I read it. Border security is border security, period. We're not going to protect ourselves from cheap Mexican labor and third-world crime but then turn around and bend over for beings who don't respect our sovereignty over our own planet.


Abductee accounts were consistent about the "grays" serving giant bugs… mantis aliens, "insectoids" or whatever you want to call them. The grays seem to be some kind of biological construct, they aren't a people, they don't have individual identity, and they're not worried about their DNA degrading. The bugs seem to be in control in every situation, and they aren't crying about their DNA needing a squirt or two of low IQ human DNA. That's a dumb story and makes no sense. The hybrid program existed so they could make creatures who could pass as humans. Pretty simple, very logical.


I never hear anything about "love and light" space fags except from the gayest new age websites. I don't think those guys exist, and if they did, they would get bent over by a species capable of using weapons and asserting dominance. The first step to survival is to care about yourself, your territory, and your blood relations. That's border security. Please drop a pair of testicles and stop listening to John Podesta's butt-buddy Thteven Gueer.