>The answer is…. pinecones
It is a typical tactic of the cabal and disinformation agents to make a mockery of and ridicule information (((they))) do not want the public being made aware of. This once again only solidifies that the 111 post Grierfag is a paid shill directing individuals away from sensitive information.
It is no coincidence this ancient knowledge is seen around the world.
It's also no coincidence that The Vatican has the largest symbolism relating to this.
You cannot argue with 200,000 years of history.
You cannot argue with symbolism.
You cannot argue with what's carved in stone.
Symbolism will be YOUR downfall.
>I believe in every one of you, anons, world wide.
Your fake, disingenuous patronizing "patriotism" makes me want to vomit.
(You) need to go back.
>Its so much more fun to crush the fake pay shills in this board than any other. They are not creative. They have nothing to actually say. So fucking easy to spot.
I guess the entire purpose of this bread was to capture all the evidence of what (((they))) have been doing on this board.
Yes, it is easy to spot for us but not for all. That's why shills sometimes can't simply be ignored, we have to clearly outline what (((they))) are doing so that normies and newcomers will see the light.
>Exactly. We gave the bad humans a message. We can stop you if we NEED to. And we have demonstrated again and again. We will not allow it.
I love how people come on here LARPing as aliens.
I hope no one believes this shit.
>Don't destroy your own planet. That is the message. If you try we will stop you.
You're either a kid sitting in your moms basement, or a guy in Langley. Either way, I don't think Anons are stupid enough to fall for this.
>The entire confederation is watching. Many different beings. We just want to talk to humans who want to talk to us.
Why don't you provide some sauce?
Take a picture of your alien-self to share with others.
… We're waiting.
>I am not ridiculing my own family. I am from the Arcturan Collective.
(You) are from the clown college.
>Are you aware of how the reptilian systems have been used to portray their entire systems and species as evil "all" of them are bad? And how those systems have been used by the humans trying to instill fear into their own society?
Why don't you share some sauce proving acts of benevolence from the Draco's?
>Can you tell us more about your Arcturian contact? What type it was, how did it begin.
This is a scripted conversation between two disinformation agents, sliding the board to take your attention away from the overwhelming evidence presented that proves Grierfag is a shill. If (((they))) slide the board enough, Grierfag will just continue posting the same infomercial and control the bread until it's full. Then collect his own notables (once again) to create the next bread.
>typical human system. there's a reason there's so much false information about us. because we are very active engaging with humans. as well as stopping Mutually Assured Destruction. MAD. Are you MAD my friend? here meaning in our terms insane?
Poor grammar for an "alien".
Why don't you share a little sauce proving you're an ET?
Ridiculously obvious slides.
Once again, desperation trying to slide this thread to the point Anons forget about what transpired with Grierfag.
This is a joke.