Anonymous ID: 2f038b Dec. 5, 2018, 2:54 p.m. No.4171706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1719 >>9413 >>2409 >>8021 >>0022


CE-5 is real.


"All aliens are nice and just want to share their love with you" is a lie.


Disinfo works by PACKAGING a lie with truth. (I have heard 20%/80% is an ideal lie to truth split)


Greer's disinfo op works like this:

take something real. (collective consciousness) and strip away all the real info and detail about it. Turn it into a set of rigid protocols, that DO work, but not well enough for anyone to learn anything that will damage the narrative. Build a hug following, then call anyone who disagrees with ANYTHING in his 'greers version of the truth' a liar a fake and a fraud to get people to resist real information and cling to the cabal / status quo lies.


This is a double sidded op that has two diffrent effects on two diffrent groups of people.


believers latch on to the truth in greers message, and take that to mean everything he says is a true and anyone who criticizes him is a govt agent spreading lies. this causes them to doubt the real information available on the same subjects that disagree with greers interpretations.


non believers latch onto his obvious lies, and notice his disinfo methods. They then dismiss EVERYTHING he says, including the truths he uses to get people to believe his lies. Since greer is a liar, they figure anything involving the SUBJECTS he talks about is woowoo nonsense because the ideas are being supported by a disinfo shill.



The thing most people in either group fail to do is do their own research and think for themselves. "even a broken watch is right twice a day"


just because someone is right about one thing doesn't mean they are right about everything.


just because someone is wrong about something doesn't mean they are wrong about everything.


Disinfo agents DELIBERATELY mix lies and truths because they know how hard it is for most people to separate the message from the messenger,disconnecting the person saying something from the things they say, and judging each statement on its own merits and not assigning truthiness values to statements simply based on the person saying them and other things they have said.

Anonymous ID: 2f038b Dec. 5, 2018, 2:54 p.m. No.4171719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9413 >>8021 >>0022




Same thing with GAIA, they use wistleblowers to expose certain things that are true, so that people will tune into all the other shows they also have and eat up the cabal religious brainwashing which covers up truth in some of their other programs.


GAIA new programing has changed from some of the old, their newer programs are saying lucifer was an alien 'savior' who rescued us from ruin.


David is a pretty good researcher. but he isn't right 100% of the time (noone is) Gaia uses him to push other things, and they also do use executive meddling & editing / censorship to control his message to an extent. Hes not even working for them anymore, they split ways. The episodes they are releasing now are all old prerecorded stuff they have kept locked up 'in the vault' that they wouldn't air before but are only now using because david wont record anything new for them, and they know lots of people only signed up for david. They are going to have issues once they run out of davids content. They only have a few other hosts that are legits, there IS LOTS of BS on gaia mixed in with their thruth stuff.


Lots of people are not discerning enough to be able to pick apart the two, and (((they))) count on that.


>>I am here for Alien contact.


At this point, its up to the aliens which of us deserves contact or not. Personally I have had too many ufo contacts to explain it away any more.


Some people think they really want the truth, but really are not capable of handling it yet, those people will not get the verification they desire at THIS point in space-time. The benevolent advanced species can tell who is not ready to know, and the malevolent ones work in secrecy from the shadows, covert control is more effective than overt control. Noone to rebel against, if you think you are already free.


The point of most of these disinfo campaigns seems to be to pave the way to achnoledge that ET's exist and are real, but not expose the evil of the cabal, or the interference with our development, and to maintain the current status quo as long as possible (slow roll out) and to keep the ufo/et/spiritual communities fighting against each other and shut each other down, instead of fighting together to uncover the common truths.


>Remember, if you release this (classified at the highest level) information openly YOU. WILL. BE. KILLED. Its not a maybe. It is a for sure.

They don't have to kill anyone who tells the truth, classified info can be out there in the public, infact it HELPS (((THEM))) for the classified info to be out in public, as long as that info is looked at as ridiculous/ludicrous and that everyone who believes in it is a crazy loony toon conspiracy theorist.


Think about it, if everyone who said evil reptiles are real suddenly dropped dead we would know there was a coverup. They only die if they are a BELIEVABLE source that is a CREDIBLE threat. it is much more effective to scare people into silence by targeting their family, so they stay in the public view but stop with the "crazy alien talk" or to allow them to keep talking but destroy them professionally and publicly so noone takes them seriously at all.