Anonymous ID: 28d32c Oct. 25, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.3600380   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I mentioned my theory yesterday

Now just look at the MSM Soundbites today.


*Daily Mail (UK) - 'MAGAbomber' strikes again.

*MSNBC - Meacham: Bomb Scare May ‘Exceed the Scope of Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination.

Jon Meacham:

“It’s, I think, the most widespread attempt on the lives of high American officials since, and it may, in fact, exceed the scope since the assassination plot against Abraham Lincoln in 1865. The potential for disaster was enormous…"


My analysis:

This bomb spree looks like an "Intelligence Operation" going back over a year but;

(Bomb Phase Starts) = AUSTIN, TX MARCH 2018

"Priming the Pump" Stage

1: Activated 'sleeper/sleepers' to deliver bombs - Undetected at 1st: Initially successful = multiple bombs detonate & kill innocents.

2: Seem to target minorities in very liberal city.

3: Actually kill a few people in a way virtually impossible to predict or protect against. (people you kill are expendable to you)

4: Pre-stage patsy's internet footprint & social media.

5: Identify, Corner & Suicide the patsy. (possibly more than one bomb courier involved, but one patsy, you like lone-wolf theory, easier to manage)

6: As usual, plant your narrative throughout the MSM.

7: "After Action" Debrief - Evaluate results.

  • So far this Spring You've staged:

  • School Shootings

  • A RightWing nutcase Bomb Spree in a liberal city (Austin).

(Earlier in 2017)

  • You staged: Unite The Right Rally (Richard Spencer & others are your "Agent Provocateurs" planted in Trump following, you invented the KKK after all) - killing one poor defenseless girl.


8: Put together your - "October Surprise" = MAGABomber-Bombathon

9: October Bombathon targets are; Your Own Leaders - Don't kill'em, but because of prior real deaths in Austin, make it look like; "It's Happening Again".


I'm telling ya, This Bomathon has been a "Planned Op" at least going back to Austin, TX March 2018. And further "Primed" with RightWing "Violence" examples of Charlottesville, VA. & school shootings.


Their Psychological Tools & Methods: C_A/Mockingbird Media


1) Cultivation Theory:

Hypothesized that media develop a person’s view of the world by presenting a perceived reality. What we see on a regular basis is our reality. Media can then set norms for readers and viewers by choosing what is covered or discussed.


2) Framing:

The creation of a narrative, or context, for a news story. The news often uses frames to place a story in a context so the reader understands its importance or relevance. Yet, at the same time, framing affects the way the reader or viewer processes the story.


3) Priming:

When media coverage predisposes the viewer or reader to a particular perspective on a subject or issue. If a newspaper article focuses on unemployment, struggling industries, and jobs moving overseas, the reader will have a negative opinion about the economy. If then asked whether he or she approves of the president’s job performance, the reader is primed to say no. Readers and viewers are able to fight priming effects if they are aware of them or have prior information about the subject.


So here we are:

They planted the "Historical Cognative-Suggestion" of the "Violent" RightWing Bomber in the public's minds going back to last year & beyond.

"Pump Priming"?

  • Girl killed in Charlottesville.

  • School Shootings:

  • Parkland, FL - Initially; reports shooter's social media showed RightWing propaganda.

  • Santa Fe School, TX - The Nazi cult stuff on his social media, even pointed out in Q Drops.

  • Austin Bomb Spree.


Interesting reading ref: 'Power of suggestion' 'Narrative Shaping' 'Priming'