Anonymous ID: b18b49 Oct. 25, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.3601406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1737 >>1773


good article explaining the space force goals (from the 23rd):


The six recommendations for the council, which will be released as a publicly accessible fact sheet, are as follows (summarized from Pence's explanation, as well as from a list provided by Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan):


  1. Create a new, unified U.S. Space Command to establish a chain of command for Space Force operations and determine the doctrine, tactics and procedures for space war fighting in the 21st century.

  2. Have the Secretary of Defense create a joint space development agency to cut through bureaucracy and make space technology quickly available when the Space Force needs it.

  3. Work with the National Security Council to conduct a comprehensive review of the current interagency authorities to make sure war fighters can react flexibly to stop threats to security in space.

  4. Direct the creation of a legislative proposal for the Space Force.

  5. Address the 2020 budget, which will allow for the Space Force's creation.

  6. Strengthen the relationship between the intelligence community and the Space Force.


moar here:

Anonymous ID: b18b49 Oct. 25, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.3601456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1461 >>1506


the strategic marker of 11/11/18 is a way to gauge the post midterm atmosphere for the continuation of The Plan

as many have noticed, its essentially on hold until after the midterms

but winning the midterms is part of the plan, if we don't, the plan will need to be altered

Anonymous ID: b18b49 Oct. 25, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.3601760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2133



Q was posting before the 'clock' dumbass

didn't need it then, don't need it now

take your smug and self-important faggotry and shove it up your ass


the plan will need to be changed if we don't win the midterms faggot


Anonymous ID: b18b49 Oct. 25, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.3601965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1977 >>1989 >>2003 >>2022

Retired FBI Profiler: This May Be 'False Flag' to Harm GOP

(this isn't the only expert that has said this, but a notable one, and a good article explaining it)

if you listen carefully, many of the experts have hinted to this


A retired FBI profiler who worked on the Unabomber case said Wednesday night the package bombs sent to high-profile Democrats could be the result of a "false flag" operation designed to hurt the Republican Party.


James Fitzgerald was on Fox News' "The Story" and said there are three groups of potential perpetrators, at least in his mind.


"These devices were either made and sent by a right-wing guy who doesn't like the Dems — and we can't rule out international aspects to this, Russians messed with our 2016 elections just using Facebook, could they have done this? — but of course the other one is that false flag," Fitzgerald told host Martha MacCallum.


"There could be someone in there, some Democrat, low-level person – I'm not suggesting anyone on the top – but they just decided, you know what, 'I'm going to put this out because two weeks before a major election, who's gonna look like a bad guy here? The Republicans.'"


A bomb was found in a mailbox outside the home of billionaire Democrat donor George Soros on Monday. Bombs were discovered Wednesday at various facilities addressed to former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former CIA director John Brennan, and former Attorney General Eric Holder.


The pipe bombs were contained in packages that listed a Florida office for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., as the return address.


Fitzgerald said a few things in this case stand out to him.


"The linguist in me noticed that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the last name is spelled missing a C. And John Brennan's name is missing an N," he said.


"That kinda surprised me, and I have a feeling that was done on purpose to make this look like somebody who doesn't really know who these people are and that wasn't an honest mistake. If he had this much anger and vitriol against these people, you'd think he would know how to spell those names."


looking for other articles mentioning other experts

Anonymous ID: b18b49 Oct. 25, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.3601977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2001 >>2006 >>2022 >>2044



Fox News Expert: Bomb Suspect ‘Could Be Someone Trying to Get the Democratic Vote Out’


Former FBI assistant director Chris Swecker said on Fox News Wednesday that the explosive devices mailed to various political figures this week could have been the work of someone “trying to get the Democratic vote out.”


Details remain scarce on the explosive devices mailed to a number of liberal political figures, including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George Soros. Another device was discovered inside CNN’s headquarters in New York, addressed to former CIA director and NBC News contributor John Brennan.


But let’s not let a lack of details get in the way of some good speculation from pundits:


“We’re already seeing a little bit of a pattern,” Swecker said on Fox News’ Outnumbered. “They’re going to be looking at this as a potential terrorist motive, whether it’s on one side or the other.”


“And as you correctly pointed out earlier, this doesn’t necessarily mean someone is espousing some sort of conservative ideology and targeting Democrats,” he continued. “It could be someone who is trying to get the Democratic vote out and incur sympathy.”


“That’s an interesting point,” co-host Melissa Francis said.


“And that’s why we always caution against that speculative…” Faulkner said. “They could be the same facts for different reasons as you’re pointing out.”


Swecker isn’t the first to suggest the bomb threats are a false flag operation. MAGA Twitter has been abuzz with conspiracy theories about the pipe bombs being the work of Democrats…

Anonymous ID: b18b49 Oct. 25, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.3602106   🗄️.is 🔗kun

fucking incredible

its clear most of you that replied with the reddit faggotry "DER THIS!!!!!!!!!" have never seen that fucking crumb

Q posted on the 5th ffs