RE-READ CRUMBS!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lot of anons are burnt but the crumbs act like the Emerald Tablets of Thoth.
The higher level of consciousness, the expansiveness we've done to our thinking, the more the crumbs make sense.
Comparing reading crumbs from start last year, to reading crumbs from start right now, is like reading a whole different book!!!!!!!!
Just keep them on the side of your screen and read a few every hour or so
Everyone focused on the south border but there is a huge mass army being focused up north i'm assuming that is what Q meant by this CRUMB and the fact SOROS and CLINTON aid is helping 250 million immigrants into CANADA
Awww yeeeeee brother you're not alone
riding since email drop hah man funny story, was on exercise here in canada and the mil is full of liberals who hate trump, and at the time I was doing a command post shift on the radio. so I was Zero on the net, anyway it was the election night so me and a few other sigs set up a sat link to watch the election and the whole day prior I was calling trump landslide and everyone was just appauled anyway the look on all those fucking 3 ringers and bars sitting in the CP that night was soooooooo worth everything the last 2 years and I know for a fact those faces are nothing compared to the faces we will see with the biggest advanced drop on pol shows itself to the NPCS, you're an old fag you might like these songs, all about the NPC.
The brainwashing/gate/mkultra/radio-sync and all that, creates a NPC, these guys knew! so trust the plan, it's been in the works for a long time.
Who knows, maybe these guys making these songs, had foreknowledge of the MEMETIC OCCULTISM lead by Q…
two clips from their songs KEK!!!!!!!!
Notice the 17 in the KING? It also MIRRORS!
Alan Parsons Project - I wouldn't wanna be like you
Styx - Mr Roboto
yes I question my sanity for those asking
god wins
don't you know the only way to grow is to fail?
hahaahah fear fag
hey look
'fuck all the cia, mafia, corrupt fbi, CSIS, israelli operatives, mossad, the freemasons down the street from me, the devil, the money, the transgenders and infiltrated refugee warrior mongrels that have already been here the last year, basically fuck anyone who aint with us, look, nothing happens, see?
nobody cares bro