Anons, I don't know if this is something, or nothing, but I thought it was worth looking into.
Sandra Day O'Conner was the first woman appointed to the SCOTUS. She was appointed by Reagan in 1981 as the "tie-breaker" centrist.
Justice O'Conner History -
There's a news item today regarding her announcement Tuesday that she suffers from dementia and is “no longer able to participate in public life.
But, what I found buried in that news article was what got my attention. I didn't know this before reading that article:
"The nonprofit she founded, iCivics, has created 19 games and hundreds of digital lesson plans, on topics such as how to run a presidential campaign and how local governments work. According to the foundation, its games were played more than 5 million times last year in school by K-12 students."
Then I suddenly remembered when Q sent us to the C_A game page for kids and showed us how the black hats were using it to communicate. So, I got to wondering if perhaps this announcement today was intended to be a message to us to check out the "iCivics" site and see if there's a game or games there that the black hats are using to communicate now that their other comms have been shut down.