Five Novelists Imagine Trump’s Next Chapter.
Author of Pres. Trump - Disgusting Assassination Fantasy
HOW IT ENDS - By Zoë Sharp
Who is Zoë Sharp?
Crime novelist with mysterious past.
Cookie-Cutter Bio looks like an Intel Agcy "Legend" to me.
Grew up Nottinghamshire, UK
Quit school at twelve (weird)
All her bio's say she was "Raised on a catamaran" (Wut?)
Found law firm: Rothera Sharp - Nottinghamshire, UK (found no link to her so far) but interdasting.
Became photo-Journalist for awhile (convenient way to travel around for "other" purposes) Classic C_A/MI6 practice - embed asset in media.
Became a crime novelist (experience w/ "spooky" stuff?)
One of the authors recruited to write short story of - How to get rid of Trump.
J. K. Rowling
Zoe Sharp
A couple of UK Intel 'Manufactured Assets'?
Just suspicious.