Anonymous ID: 78ad79 Oct. 25, 2018, 1:38 p.m. No.3602813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Those dumb bastards at the ACLU made the mistake of Emailing me, wanting me to donate money to that stupid #METOO campaign. I think you will appreciate this.


let's talk about #MeToo




Tarana Burke and Alyssa Milano, ACLU <aclu@aclu.orgUnsubscribe

1:27 PM (6 minutes ago)

to me





As survivors and activists, the #MeToo movement is personal for us. That's why, a year after #MeToo went viral, we're catching up with ACLU supporters like you to make sure we keep giving this fight everything we've got.


Not everyone knows that #MeToo began over a decade ago. It shouldn't be a surprise: Sexual violence is chronic. It's an epidemic. And it can strike anywhere – from Hollywood to your own neighborhood.


Hear us discuss #MeToo in our new ACLU podcast. You'll learn how this movement began, how it caught fire, and how it will continue to challenge a toxic and pervasive culture of harassment and assault.


My response?

to aclu <>




You do realize that most adults associate # as the POUND sign right?


You people are hilarious.