Anonymous ID: d55c70 Oct. 25, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.3602156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2405 >>2608 >>2744 >>2804 >>2820 >>2848 >>2851



Hundreds of displaced Syrians return from Lebanon to their liberated areas

A new batch of displaced Syrians in Lebanon turned back to their villages and towns through the border crossings of al-Dabbousia and Jdeidet Yabous in borders with Lebanon within the joint efforts exerted by the government in cooperation with the Lebanese side for the turning back of all the displaced to their homeland.


Defense Minister: Armed Forces always ready to shoulder responsibility in restoring safety and stability to Syria

Ayoub reiterated that the Syrian state will deal with the remaining areas which US is still betting on, either by local reconciliations or by the Syrian army operations.

Ayoub clarified that Idleb province is a Syrian territory and it will return to the Syrian state, stressing that Syria considers the US and British presence on its territory illegal and a violation of the sovereignty of an independent country and a UN member.


De-Escalation Agreement Is About To Collapse: Militants Continue Their Attacks On Aleppo City

On October 25, unknown militants targeted the Justice Palace and several civilian buildings in the district of al-Zahra in the northern part of the city of Aleppo with heavy machine-guns, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). The attack caused material damage, but no casualties were reported.

The SANA’s reporter in Aleppo said that the SAA had shelled several positions of the militants southwest of the city with “suitable weapons” in response to this new violation of the Russian-Turkish deconfliction agreement.


Moscow alarmed that US spy plane coordinated drone attack on Russia's Syria base

“They were controlled manually, and not by some peasant, but from a capable, well-equipped Poseidon plane,” “If people don’t want to fight terrorists armed with advanced weapons, they should stop arming them,” the general added. Fomin was speaking at the plenary session of the Beijing Xiangshan Forum on Thursday. “We can only confirm this. We received this absolutely credible information from our military specialists. We have repeatedly voiced our concerns about this,” Maria Zakharova said.


Moscow: US behavior in Syria “occupation”

“In northeastern and southern areas of Syria as well as in al-Tanf, there is a de facto unconvincing occupation by US forces of the territory of the sovereign Syrian state,” Zakharova The spokeswoman added that the terrorists who had found a “safe haven in the 55-kilometer exclusive zone,” established by the US, are blackmailing civilians who want to leave the area and forcing them to pay money. Syria has repeatedly announced that the military presence of the US or any other foreign forces on its territories without the government’s approval is an act of aggression against the Syrian sovereignty and a flagrant violation of the UN’s Charter and principles.


Israel Rejects Russian ‘Restrictions’ On Israeli Strikes In Syria: Liberman

Israel is rejecting reported Russian demands that Israel give the Russian military additional warning before carrying out airstrikes in Syria, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman claimed on October 25.

“We will not accept any restrictions on our freedom of operation, and when it comes to national security, we will take action,” the defense minister told Army Radio in an interview.

In an attempt to save the face of the Israeli media, Liberman stated that the Israeli military has carried out more airstrikes on targets in Syria than have been attributed to it by media.

“Just because the media did not report on Syria strikes does not mean there were none,” Liberman said. “I don’t think it’s our duty to report what the army must do. An army needs to act.”


Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On October 25, 2018 (Map Update)


Note: Very interesting news concerning Syria today, leaves me to wonder if Bolton gave Russia the green light to expose the cabal in Syria??? AKA Black hats in US army + intl coalition, then Israel making hollow threats plus the Idlib agreement collapse which will enable Russia Syria to go and clean out the cabal proxies

Anonymous ID: d55c70 Oct. 25, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.3602176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2183 >>2187

CNN Chyron: Mail Bomb Recipients Are ‘Trump’s Targets’


A CNN chyron aired Thursday said Democrats who received mail bombs this week are “Trump’s targets” — hours after an anchor insisted “no one’s blaming the president.”


“Manhunt For Serial Bomber Going After Trump’s Targets” read the CNN chyron at about 1:13 PM. This came after another chyron that also referred to those targeted as “Trump Targets.”


CNN’s Wolf Blitzer ended the segment by saying, “The one common thread between all of these bombs–all of those who are being targeted are President Trump’s frequent punching bags.”


This segment came mere hours after CNN’s John King opened up a panel discussion by stating: “No one’s blaming the president. Is anyone blaming the president?”


And just one hour before this segment, the network’s chyron suggested that Trump bears “responsibility” for “inciting” the perpetrator to send these packages — but alleges the president is not owning up to it.

Anonymous ID: d55c70 Oct. 25, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.3602179   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: d55c70 Oct. 25, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.3602200   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel illegal settlement councils receive $39m govt. funding


Israel’s illegal settlements receive 144 million shekels ($39 million) in government funding for regional councils, a new Knesset report has revealed.


The report was undertaken by the Knesset’s Research and Information Centre and disclosed the vast sums of money the Israeli government gives to its illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank across education, welfare and support grants.


The report found that the Israeli government gives $39 million to regional councils located in the occupied West Bank, which amounts to 25 per cent of Israel’s regional council budget, Ynet reported. This is despite the fact that West Bank councils only account for five per cent of all Israeli regional councils.


Israel’s illegal settlements are also disproportionately funded in other sectors, including 99.8 million shekels ($27 million) given in grants, which constitutes 9.2 per cent of all grants awarded by the government. Over six per cent of these grants are given to just two settlements – the ultra-Orthodox Beitar Illit and Modi’in Illit, situated west of Bethlehem and east of Lod (Lydda) respectively.


Students in illegal settlements are also given more funding than their counterparts inside Israel, with a student in the settlements receiving 15,900 shekels ($4,300) per year compared to the 9,800 shekels ($2,655) per year given to students inside Israel, Ynet added.


The report reviewed the government funding given to the illegal settlements between 2015 and 2016 and did not take into account spending on security, meaning the total government expenditure on the settlements is in fact even higher.


The findings of the report come just days after it emerged that Israeli taxpayers’ money was used to give loans to illegal settlers through the World Zionist Organisation (WZO). An investigation by Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed scores of documents which showed the WZO’s Settlement Division had provided mortgages for 26 illegal outposts and construction inside Israeli government-sanctioned settlements over the past 20 years. Both outposts and settlements are illegal under international law.


Last week, Israel approved a budget of 22 million shekels ($6 million) to build a new illegal settlement in Hebron, in the south of the occupied West Bank. The Civil Administration – which oversees Israel’s settlement population – approved the plan to build the settlement prior to the government’s official approval of the budget.


Since Israel occupied the West Bank in 1967, it has consistently pursued a policy of illegal settlement. Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem states that, as of the end of 2015, there were 127 Israeli government-sanctioned settlements in the West Bank (not including occupied East Jerusalem and Hebron). This was in addition to 100 non-recognised outposts and 15 Israeli neighbourhoods inside the Jerusalem Municipality. B’Tselem estimates there are 588,000 illegal settlers living in the West Bank.

Anonymous ID: d55c70 Oct. 25, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.3602286   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian State Watchdog to Fine Google Over Active Links to Prohibited Content


Google has not connected to Russia’s Federal State Information System, requiring search engines to remove links to prohibited resources from the search results, and therefore will be fined, Russia’s media watchdog Roskomnadzor said Thursday.


"Google has not complied with Russian law and will be fined… Roskomnadzor demands that the search engine within 30 days be connected to the Federal State Information System (FSIS) containing the register of prohibited Internet resources. In three business days, the search engine must start filtering the search results," Roskomnadzor said in a statement.


The watchdog noted that it sent a relevant letter to Google, and recalled that companies non-compliant with the requirements are subjected to fine varying from 500,000 to 700,000 rubles ($7,600-$10,600).


The Roskomnadzor deputy chief, Vadim Subbotin, told Sputnik that Google had three days to reply and send its objections to the watchdog.


After receiving the reply, the watchdog will file an administrative offense report to court, which will make a decision on imposing fine.


On June 27, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, making operators of research engines liable to fines for their failure to remove links to pages listed in the register of prohibited Internet resources from the search results.

Anonymous ID: d55c70 Oct. 25, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.3602297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2405 >>2744 >>2804 >>2851

AZ-Sen: Arizona State Troopers Association revokes endorsement of Democrat Kyrsten Sinema



U.S. Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema lost the endorsement of the Arizona State Troopers Association this week, after some members complained they did not have the opportunity to give their input on the matter, the Arizona Republic reported.


U.S. Rep. Sinema, a Democrat, is competing against Republican U.S. Rep. Martha McSally in a heated and close race for the Senate seat being vacated by Republican Sen. Jeff Flake, who is retiring.


The association, which represents the Arizona Department of Public Safety employees and retirees, has endorsed Sinema in the past three federal elections, according to the report.


Some association members complained to the Arizona Republic that the executive board endorsed Sinema without their input, the report states. Following the complaints, the association sent out a poll asking members if they want to endorse Sinema.


An email poll sent Monday to members indicated that they preferred to stay neutral, according to the news outlet.


“All members are encouraged to vote for the candidate they personally support,” the email stated, according to the report. “AZTroopers will refrain from any political statements concerning the race until the conclusion of the election.”


Sinema used the endorsement in a recent ad about her record on law enforcement and border issues. Although Sinema touted the endorsement, the ad is no longer running.

How did Sinema respond?


In a statement, the Sinema campaign said it respects the association’s decision to withdraw the endorsement.


“We respect the association’s decision to remain neutral given the divisive tone of the race and appreciate their support for Kyrsten’s past three elections, as well as continued support from members and law enforcement officers across the state,” Sinema spokeswoman Helen Hare told the news outlet in an email.

Anything else?


Dave McDowell, an association member and retired lieutenant, confirmed that members were not informed about the board’s decision to endorse Sinema.


“That displeased a number of members, including myself,” McDowell said.


McDowell indicated he supports McSally. But he also said he does not believe the association should make any political endorsements.


“The Troopers have spoken,” McSally campaign spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair reportedly said in a text message.