Great work, Baker.
Backup here if you need it.
God bless, and kick ass.
Good deal.
Lurking for the time being.
Will report for duty in the morning, as usual.
Gonna be a weird day because a certain Numpty McDumblefuck is taking on more leadership roles at work against everyone's will and better judgment, but nothing else can be done until a new hire comes in, and so it goes.
If you're WHBaker, I'll likely see you then if you don't go to sleep beforehand.
Ah, gotcha AB.
Great work earlier, by the way.
You're solid, for sure.
>Numpty McDumblefuck
Another Anon made a meme for the term.
Pic and filename related.
I honestly hate the motherfucker.
Calls himself a "conspiracy theorist", bless his poor heart.
Also dressing more and more like a pedo. Weird.
Unfortunately he has work seniority, which means because shit rolls downhill, I get to make up for his age.
Again, so it goes.
LurkerFag, great work!
If I may, don't be afraid to include a bit more context in the captions to make things more clear.
Aim for keywords, if you can - Anons will remember important points and make connections faster if they see an important term that matches something from days/weeks/months in the past.
Keep kicking ass, man.
Of course.
>get it down fast and try keep it succinct
You already have the mentality/philosophy nailed down as far as Notables are concerned. Good on you.
If you want to give baking a shot, flag me down tomorrow (if I'm baking, of course) or check out >>>/comms/ if you want to practice a bake or two yourself.
It's not as bad as you think.
Monitoring a bread for Notables still allows for multitasking - I usually bake at work while number crunching and writing reports.
Just requires a bit of commitment.
You do seem to have a knack for it. Whenever you feel ready, step up and give it a shot.