Anonymous ID: 981654 Oct. 25, 2018, 5:10 p.m. No.3605341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5462 >>5757 >>5942

50,000 Troops Prep for NATO's Biggest Show of Force Since the Cold War

22 Oct 2018 | By Gina Harkins


Marines are landing in Iceland, a Navy aircraft carrier is sailing past the Arctic Circle and U.S. aircraft are soaring over Scandinavia – and none of it has gone unnoticed by Russian military leaders.


Nearly 50,000 U.S. and NATO forces are gearing up for the largest iteration of Trident Juncture since 1991. Set to start Thursday, it'll involve troops operating in the air, on land and at sea in a month-long exercise that will test NATO forces' ability to respond to a large-scale event from several locations.


Troops from all 29 NATO allies – plus Finland and Sweden – are participating. So are about 65 ships, 150 aircraft and 10,000 vehicles.


Troops from all 29 NATO allies – plus Finland and Sweden – are participating. So are about 65 ships, 150 aircraft and 10,000 vehicles.


The exercise won't take place near Russia's border. But Lt. Gen. Valery Zaparenko, former deputy chief of general staff there, said he believes Trident Juncture is meant to send a message to his country, which has pledged to expand its capabilities in the Arctic region.

Anonymous ID: 981654 Oct. 25, 2018, 5:17 p.m. No.3605451   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jill Biden Christens Navy Submarine at Virginia Shipyard

22 Oct 2018

The Associated Press


NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — The wife of former Vice President Joe Biden has christened the U.S. Navy's newest Virginia-class attack submarine.


Jill Biden is the sponsor of the new USS Delaware. On Saturday, she broke a ceremonial bottle across the submarine's bow at a Virginia shipyard.


In her Saturday speech, Biden honored the submarine's 136 officers and crew, saying they were "the very best our Navy has to offer." During World War II, her father served as a Navy signalman.


The former second lady was among numerous dignitaries who gathered Saturday at the Virginia shipyard that builds aircraft carriers and submarines.


On Friday, Joe Biden met with union leaders and workers at the union hall of Newport News Shipbuilding. The former vice president is among the Democrats who might run for president in 2020.

Anonymous ID: 981654 Oct. 25, 2018, 5:36 p.m. No.3605728   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saudi Foreign Agents' Political Donations Top $1.6 Million In 2018 Elections

Thu, 10/25/2018 - 19:40


Of the money flowing into U.S. elections from lobbyists, political operatives, firms and other foreign agents who have disclosed contracts to represent the political interests of Saudi Arabia in the United States, political donations from operatives working for Saudi interests exceed half a million in 2018 elections while PACs affiliated with lobbying and public relations firms account for an additional $1.1 million this election cycle.


The total amount of political donations made by Saudi foreign agents is a conservative estimate by CRP based on reported political contributions by individuals and firms registered as foreign agents of Saudi Arabia, excluding individual lobbyist or operative contributions to their firm’s affiliated PAC to ensure no funds are double-counted — meaning the total flow of money to politicians from lobbyists, firms and political operatives representing Saudi interests is likely much larger.


For example, this estimate does not include donations to House Armed Services Committee members from leftover funds in the campaign committee of former Congressman Howard “Buck” McKeon while he was working as registered foreign agent of Saudi Arabia and lobbying for defense contractors with major interest in legislation related to arms deals under the committee’s purview. McKeon and his lobbying firm, the McKeon Group, signed on to represent the Saudi government’s political interests shortly after he left Congress, where he was the Republican chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. During his time on the Hill, McKeon himself was a top recipient of defense contractor funds as well.


Saudi interests have spent more than $24 million to influence U.S. policy and public opinion during the 2018 election cycle, according to disclosures to the Department of Justice made in compliance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and made available through CRP’s Foreign Lobby Watch tool. Around $18 million of that was paid to foreign agents acting on behalf of Saudi interests in 2017 and another $6 million in spending has already been reported this year, making Saudi Arabia one of the top 10 countries spending on influence and lobbying in the United States.

Anonymous ID: 981654 Oct. 25, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.3605783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5819 >>5823

NPC Meme Deserves "Person Of The Year 2018" For Exposing Liberal Automatons


Nothing hurts more than the truth, and that adage goes far at explaining why the Liberals self-imploded upon being confronted by their hideous reflection in the NPC avatar.

First conjured to life on 4Chan and Reddit message boards, the NPC meme, represented by a crudely sketched stick figure that comes in a variety of persona, was designed as a method for portraying those well-known character traits the right has come to associate with their leftist alter-ego.


The term ‘social justice warrior,’ while loaded with mockery, derision and cynical overtones, failed to nail the dark heart of the matter. What was needed was a meme that exposed the left’s superiority complex that is so out of control it lets them believe that by just getting out of bed and showing up for a protest legitimizes their cause and anything that follows.

Thus, the right, which still enjoys the weapon of comic genius combined with computer prowess, supplanted the SJW tag with an innocuous-looking meme that eventually burrowed its way under the fleshy underbelly of the left until it was writhing on the pavement in painful spasmodic convulsions. The arrow was deadly because it carried the ultimate poison known as truth.


For the uninitiated, NPC stands for ‘nonplayable character’ or ‘nonplayer character,’ a term borrowed from the gaming community that describes those characters in video games whose only pre-programmed function is to wander about the screen eliciting generic, robotic remarks. Sound familiar? This meme successfully captured the essence of the left to such a degree that it forced Twitter to go on another search and destroy mission, suspending hundreds of accounts thought to be associated with the army of dangerous stick figures…………………………..