Anonymous ID: 5de60b Oct. 25, 2018, 6:23 p.m. No.3606228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6302 >>6337 >>6354 >>6492 >>6519 >>6541 >>6548 >>6561 >>6641 >>6643


Maybe the real bombs were intercepted by white hats and they replaced the packages with these obvious duds, with a literal false flag to troll the Democrats who had originally planned real IEDs.


So this could be the White Hats trolling the Black Hats, sending a signal with the false flag.


Like they did with the BDT bomber - replaced his payload with fireworks.

Anonymous ID: 5de60b Oct. 25, 2018, 6:47 p.m. No.3606495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6568 >>6574



> Be Soros

> Tryna line up your annual blood sacrifice for late Oct

> Weaponize 7,000 migrants from Guatemala

> hope they get shot at the border cuz blood sacrifice

> They’re carrying USAID goody bags from Killary’s time at the State Dept (oh shit)

> Realize a hurricane threatens the whole thing (double oh shit)

> Enough Americans are woke AF to realize what you’re up to

> ohshit_planBtime.jpg

> Phone up Obummer to get Plan B in play

> Have mercernary contractor mail an IED to your home so u can play “muh victim status” while Soros Jr opens his laptop and types up his NYT op-ed

> Have mercernary contractor mail real IEDs to famous but expendable politicians with plenty of pedo baggage in their backgrounds

> White Hats have comms bugged, real IEDs get intercepted in transit

> White Hats replace real IEDs with obvious fakes, complete with a “false flag” hint in the packages

> Tune into news expecting a bunch of explosions

> See pics on news of bombs that look like a grade 1 science project

> Feel your heart sink

> Lucifer won’t be pleased

> Feds now crawling everywhere

> SorosIsFuxxed.png