Anonymous ID: 733d60 Oct. 25, 2018, 6:05 p.m. No.3606051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6335


Shes going to be the true democrat nominee

Maybe not 2020 - they are already anticipating a loss and will sacrifice peons, but 2024 - theyll put forth their next queen of the damned

Anonymous ID: 733d60 Oct. 25, 2018, 6:42 p.m. No.3606425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Michelle Obama


Book named "BECOMING"

Book tour and website

Becoming is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations—and whose story inspires us to do the same.



The concept of "becoming" in philosophy is connected with two others: movement and evolution, as becoming assumes a "changing to" and a "moving toward." Becoming is the process or state of change and coming about in time and space.


Becoming: Adjective: used to say that something is attractive and suits the person wearing or doing it


becoming: adjective:

Appropriate, suitable, or proper.

Pleasing or attractive to the eye.


When used as a verb:



verb (used without object), be·came, be·come, be·com·ing:

to come, change, or grow to be (as specified)


Interesting that Cindy Crawford had a book with the same name published in 2015.


Probably not connected, but found it interesting:

Being and Becoming in Modern Physics

First published Wed Jul 11, 2001; substantive revision Mon Aug 21, 2017


Last but not least:

Becoming • Adjective

Pronunciation: bee-kum-ing

The fundamental meaning of becoming is “attractive” but it may refer either to attractive people or attractive behavior (behaviour outside the US), where the meaning leans more toward “appropriate”.

A very comely word, this. The two sonorants, M and NG, help make this authentic English word beautiful. The B and the M are labial sounds, made with the lips alone and their association with affection helps beautify the word. This word originated as the present participle of the verb become but in a quirky meaning that verb bears, “to make attractive,” as in, “That dress becomes you.” You may use this word negatively if you properly prefix it, as in, “behavior unbecoming a gentleman.”

Remember the two senses of this word. It can refer to beauty itself: “Natalie Cladd's broad-brimmed hat sat askew on her hair in a becoming fashion no one could ignore.” As a result, Natalie herself was most likely quite becoming. This word also refers to appropriateness, especially if referring to behavior: “I thought the snippy remark from Maude Lynn Dresser about Natalie's hat was most unbecoming of Maude, though."

The verb become has borne several meanings over its lifetime. In Old English it meant “come to,” which led to the broader sense of the verb today “come to be,” as to become a doctor. The sense of “coming to” also led to the sense of bekommen in German today, “to receive.” Later in Middle English it came to mean “happen to, befall.” The sense of “to befit, to suit” apparently has been expressed as “come to” for a long time in Indo-European languages since idët tebe, literally “it comes to you,” means “it suits you” in Russian.

>Old English - becoming means "come to"

>German - becoming means "to recieve"

>Middle English (?) - becoming means "happen to, befall"

>Indo-European - becoming means "it comes to you"

>Russian - becoming means " it suits you"


So which of these interpretations would the cabal use to mock us?