So, I am deep in the communites regarding all health matters. My own personal understanding of the "Layer" system they have imposed is still in the works.
What I can tell you from what I know that 5G alone is dangerous but it seems that there is another factor to make it more "effective".
You remember the chemtrails they are dumping? or, Geo-engineering?!
Nano Strontium, Barrium, Aluminum etc…
You see, the chemtrails server multiple purposes. One example are the DEW's. The air full of metals makes it easy to send nnEMF or w/e to the dot of the nose on a penny.
This is the same air we breath…so think about it…
What do people with Hemochromatosis suffer from without knowning?
EMF sensitvity…
Meaning that as people have been layerd with these heavy metals, not only does that contribute to illness but you have now just become an antena.
Removing metals from the body should help reduce the damage done by Non Native (nn) EMFs.
By how much? I'm not exactly sure but the more you have, the more conductive etc..
Also, 5G not at 60Ghz will be much easier to deal with even though I don't want any of it because that's the band that will make us Hypoxic (lack of oxygen) since 60ghz will bind to O2 (less oxygen in the air).
So I'm looking into what can be done to provide more oxygen to the body…i.e Ozone therapy etc.
I'll dump when I can, I love you all.