CHAPTER VII: Part II of the Grand Tour: The Third Reich / "60's Flower Child" Connection?
Chapter Contents: Section One–The Nazi connection…Operation Paperclip…Karl Rove…Kay Griggs…Reinhard Gehlen…Nazi architecture…Arnold Schwarzenegger.
You’ll have to decide how much of your own research you want to do.
I provide here in this chapter a fairly brief overview and some good links.
What Americans do not realize is that virtually the entire heart and brains of the Nazi empire were transplanted into the back halls of US government during the first few years after WW2.
It is therefore fair to say the Nazi empire never actually died. It simply moved across the ocean and has become a de facto ‘shadow government’ which has predominated in American affairs. The U.S. government is veritably crawling with ethnic German Nazis. At this point, most of these are the children or grandchildren of the original Germans who came over after the war. Keep in mind, of course, the Nazis are simply an extension of the satanic, globalist Illuminati.
Karl Rove, former top adviser to the President of the United States (nicknamed "Bush's Brain") is himself an ethnic German with a dual German/American citizenship, and whose grandfather was a high-ranking Nazi:
Karl Heinz Roverer, was a prominent political leader, a Gauleiter and a Nazi State Party Chairman. He was also the
senior engineer in the Roverer Sud-Deutche Ingenieurburo AG Engineering; The firm that built the Birkenau death camp.
And in the modern day, Paperclip baby Karl Rove(rer), having been proudly named by his parents after his Nazi war criminal grandfather, has been sitting at the right hand of the President, and has been considered one of the most powerful and influential people in the nation.
“In general, they are first generation German sons, mostly who run things in the military through tight friendships made in Europe and at war colleges. Psyops is a controlling group and Paul Wolfowitz is a major player."
—Kay Griggs
She goes on to name such people as Donald Rumsfeld (clearly a German name), Henry Kissinger, and many others.
Here are more Paperclip Nazis:
Just to provide a few examples before moving on:
Helen Von Damm is a person of interest in this regard.
She was to Reagan what Karl Rove was to Bush–a kind of "super assistant".
She came to the US in 1954, bristling with connections to high-level Paperclip Nazis, such as mass-murderer Albrecht Otto von Bolschwing (<left) who also played an influential role in US foreign and domestic policy.
Albrecht Otto von Bolschwing
Current Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom's father, Judge William Newsom, was a business partner of Otto von Bolschwing's. The "Paperclip Nazi" rabbit hole goes very deep.
NO Coincidences patriots, rabbit hole may be deep, it also has many intersections. Hmmm……Does Gavin want to destroy America???
Helen Von Damm held huge sway over Reagan's appointments and staff choices while he was governor. Later, she even became the US ambassador to Austria.
"Ex-Nazi's Brilliant Career Strangled in a Web of Lies,"
—San Jose Mercury 11/20/81
She had also worked for Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi general who was head of the German intelligence operations.
Gehlen, using the Operation Paperclip cover, came over to the United States after the war and went on to become (you'll be unhappy to know) one of the leading architects of the modern CIA.
Source: 2008 Chapter Eleven Grand Tour of Satans