5G …
Yea I heard it's going to be a different frequency (cymatic) and be beneficial instead of a harmful freq… I never even had the smartiepants phone. A Luddite
It was obviously for suckers,as was Facebook which I never ever had anything to do with. It was for Dumb Fukkerz.From day 1
I value every smidgen of deconnectivity and human resource cataloguing I can hang onto with my cold dead fingers.
I have a flip phone never in the same room (shoots off high RF when talking-tested in red zone)
Your car is supposed to be giving off like 40GB of data that the market gets 750BN from (somehow?) This is human trafficking lite! All your data is ours.
I don't want no 5G.Even the fags in Brussels who are THE biggest bastard in the world say no thankie.Palm Beach (Mara Lago land) Bans 5G
Will POTUS override that?
I love every second of the POTUS since elected and the opportunity to fuck with the leftyloons. You fukkerz better not call me fake MAGA …I hope we are not at that point when it comes to 5G. My only and very serious concern.The POTUS has Petition Site.
How many of you fags want to swim in RF with your DNA ripped apart? What about IOT?
I don't want to be on the road with any driving car either.
No no no no no no no no
There is a petition site.I'm offering the suggestion to use that fukkin thing for what it was intended for and seek redress on the 5G Rollout.I love D5 but 5G?
With a petition success maybe we'd get more answers,is there a cymatic frequency change?
But still the EUfags in Brussells are saying FUCK NO
I don't want to be on the side of (blich) Brussells but it's the first and only thing those globo-nazi's are doing right.
The shitz fugged up.
I was actually feeling pretty damn comfy till the 5G rollut speech.I was thinking him screwing with Huwei was to protect us from 5G rollout.
No one seems to be talking about it.
Petition ?
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