Anonymous ID: e2510c April 30, 2019, 7:40 a.m. No.6370484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1917

Many years ago I worked at Quinetiq (Formerly DERA [Defennce Evaluation and Reasearch Agency]) in the UK and was shown the Milimeter Wave camera which was developed there, they built this thing into an S shaped scanner which a person walked through and it was capable of removing all clothing to find weapons, with the added bonus of totally violating your body by showing you totally naked. The capability of this system was staggering.


This has always got me thinking about the capabilities of this powerful tool, the EM waves are close to the Infra red / radio waves of the spectrum so its unlikely they will cause damage however I am no expert. This does make me think about how "they" want to use this.


The obvious one is that more bandwidth available to devices means you are unlikely to notice throttling when your device is used to spy on you, but how about this…


What if a milimeter wave camera / detector could be used in a neighbourhood, a network of mobile detectors driving around a neighbourhood with milimeter waves being generated on streetposts could in theory "xray" your home and build up a 3d image of whats inside, whats more you could have live images with stationary detectors in the right places.


This could in theory be used as another form of spying, only into peoples homes. People are wise to to the Amazon (C_A) Alexa connection so these devices are going to be less and less popular as the word gets out. Smart phones will likely be built in th future with hard wired switches for microphones and power. Are we really meant to believe those smart thermostats with accidental microphones was a "mistake"?


4g was and is fine for most of what people do, its fast and has a lot of bandwidth. there has to be another reason that this is being hurried through.