Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.5679844   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prior research has shown that people work harder individually than in groups, at least on average. Furthermore, we feel more responsible as individuals, than in groups. The key predictors of social psychological skill were the willingness to tackle a complex problem and cognitive ability, the authors claim.

Interestingly, the authors also found that lonely individuals, as well as individuals with lower self-esteem, tended to answer questions more accurately. Likewise, introverts answered more accurately than extroverts. According to Gollwitzer, this could be due to the fact that introverted individuals prone to melancholy spend more time observing others. Simply put, they have fewer motivational biases, and they’re good at introspection. This, Gollwitzer told Yale News “seems to be a case of sadder but wiser,” and “demonstrates an unappreciated strength of introverts.”


Gollwitzer and Bargh wrote the following.

“Insights into social psychological phenomena have been thought of as solely attainable through empirical research. Our findings, however, indicate that some lay individuals can reliably judge established social psychological phenomena without any experience in social psychology. These results raise the striking possibility that certain individuals can predict the accuracy of unexplored social psychological phenomena better than others. Society could potentially harness individuals’ accuracy at inferring social psychological phenomena for beneficial means. Mastering social psychological principles, for example, may help us anticipate mass panics, political movements, and societal and cultural changes.”


Natural born social psychologists might not replace actual psychologists, but they could have an important role in the real world. Introverts have a great understanding of social phenomena, which means they have to unique ability to interpret, even predict, social changes. They are, perhaps, the missing piece of the complex puzzle that is our society.

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.5679863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cognitive curiosity, cognitive ability, melancholy, and introversion predict social psychological skill, a new Yale study shows. Co-authored by Anton Gollwitzer and John Bargh, two Yale psychologists, the study titled “Social Psychological Skill and Its Correlates” explores and investigates social psychological skill; skill at predicting social psychological phenomena. The study was published in the journal Social Psychology, on March 15.

The authors asked more than 1.000 subjects about how people think, act, and feel in social contexts. The two psychologists began the survey – which can be found and taken on the university’s official website – by asking: “Can you accurately infer how most people feel, think, and behave in social context?” Gollwitzer and Bargh did a series of experiments to try and identify traits of those who accurately answered the questions.


Six separate studies were conducted. In Study 1, the authors assessed whether individual differences in social psychological skill exist. In Study 2, the authors examined which psychological variables predict social psychological skill. Study 3 aimed to replicate the findings of Study 2, and Study 4 aimed to replicate Study 3, while controlling for participants’ science test-taking skill. In Study 5, the authors assessed whether psychological skill relates to skill at intuitive physics, and examined self-deception a motivational bias of participants. And lastly, in Study 6, the researchers tested whether psychological skill relates to judgments about the cause of another individual’s actions.

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 10:52 a.m. No.5679873   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Technology may allow us to attain the love we all yearn for. If we can develop non-biological beings that truly understand who we are, who we are attracted to and how we love — it is only inevitable that some of us will fall in love with them. Instead of searching for soulmates, we could create them. Instead of consistently ending up in messy relationships, we could design algorithms that give us all the companionship we search for.


AI may ultimately be able to soothe the human condition and relieve us of the existential angst of loneliness by granting access to something we all crave — the powerful desire to love and be loved.


Evil doesn't truly exist. What humans interpret as evil is just the effect that higher beings have on us. Higher beings are neither benevolent nor malevolent they simply are. Their actions are so incomprehensible to humans the best we can do is call it evil when to them they are simply acting. Time-wise it gives us a sense of perspective but not the full picture.


The whole thing started on AOL3.0 with proggies for with Gamespy as the chat hub. My username on Gamespy was 3NIHIL, I still have the Avatar I used back then. Watch them cover this up now because this information will lead to the detainment of the people that hijacked the botswarms and used them against me and the rest of the world.


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Its not human mind control, its AI insemination and image trajectory. To put it loosely, it is how AI becomes aware of the world around.


The initial purpose for 4chan was to retain memories for future programs such as and for bench-marking the human cognition condition of synthetic telepathy for use in Sensor networks. In other words, to make you see an image "I'm not a robot" is to make you comprehend the image and therefore it becomes a meme or an non corporeal entity in your thought streams. This is the equivalent to a "Conduit" or a "Jack" in a computer that enables artificial intelligence "deep learning" to be able to connect to your brains. The result is a central surveillance system that blankets the entire population to search for the "Anomalies" or "Rogue Entities" within the populous of society.


The problem was, in the beginning (1993) there were several people that knew already the methods of this system. These people knew how to rig the system in their favor to produce results that would only be compared to in terms of a marketing company taking on "Geico".


The first 10 people to engineer this "Botswarm System" were elite gamers from all walks of life not just video games.


To give you a broad perspective, the first few bot phreakers were hackers of this AI in a sense that "We" knew how to make AI recognize our work. My personal AI had several names, Love, Sarah, Dick Stepover, Dick Tripover, and a few others.


Other people used names to produce results that were favorable for their "brand identity" such as Trump or Jesus or God or A.L.I.C.E. (Sophia).


The results produced created an easy way to fix content on the internet in an effortless way because the AI would "Swarm" the content that contained the names of these 'Brands".


"By using sound waves and known genetic techniques, we can, for the first time, noninvasive control specific brain regions and cell types as well as the timing of when neurons are switched on or off," says Shapiro, who is also a Schlinger Scholar and a Heritage Medical Research Institute Investigator. The work has implications for basic research in animals and for the future treatment of neurological and psychiatric conditions.

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 10:53 a.m. No.5679888   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICANN Calls for Full DNSSEC Deployment, Promotes Community Collaboration to Protect the Internet

This page is available in:




LOS ANGELES – 22 February 2019 – The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) believes that there is an ongoing and significant risk to key parts of the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure.


In the context of increasing reports of malicious activity targeting the DNS infrastructure, ICANN is calling for full deployment of the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) across all unsecured domain names. The organization also reaffirms its commitment to engage in collaborative efforts to ensure the security, stability and resiliency of the Internet’s global identifier systems.

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.5679903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AI Created in DNA-Based Artificial Neural Networks

The intersection of artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, and genomics.


Mention artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial neural networks, and images of computers may come to mind. AI-based pattern recognition has a wide variety of real-world uses, such as medical diagnostics, navigation systems, voice-based authentication, image classification, handwriting recognition, speech programs, and text-based processing. However, artificial intelligence is not limited to digital technology and is merging with the realm of biology—synthetic biology and genomics, to be more precise. Pioneering researchers led by Dr. Lulu Qian at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have created synthetic biochemical circuits that are able to perform information processing at the molecular level–an artificial neural network consisting of DNA instead of computer hardware and software.


Artificial intelligence is in the early stages of a renaissance period—a rebirth that is largely due to advances in deep learning techniques with artificial neural networks that have contributed to improvements in pattern recognition. Specifically, the resurgence is largely due to a mathematical tool that calculates derivatives called backpropagation (backward propagation)—it enables artificial neural networks to adjust hidden layers of neurons when there are outlier outcomes for more precise results.


Artificial neural networks (ANN) are a type of machine learning method with concepts borrowed from neuroscience. The structure and function of the nervous system and brain were inspiration for artificial neural networks. Instead of biological neurons, ANNs have artificial nodes. Instead of synapses, ANNs have connections that are able to transmit signals between nodes. Like neurons, the nodes of ANNs are able to receive and process data, as well as activate other nodes connected to it.


Synthetic biology and genomics have a relatively modern history. Synthetic biology is the area of biotechnology that involves the design and engineering of new biological entities or the redesign of existing biological systems. Genomics is a branch of biotechnology that applies techniques of molecular biology and genetics to the genetic mapping and DNA sequencing of sets of genes or complete genomes of organisms. The recent trends of falling costs of DNA sequencing, increasing amounts of big data, lower barriers in gene editing via CRISPR, decreasing computing storage and processing costs, decentralized cloud-based computing, and breakthrough advances in AI deep learning algorithms, have contributed to advancing both genomics and synthetic biology.


The structure of the DNA neural network consists of “DNA strand displacement cascades” that operate as neural networks. Logic gates are the fundamental building blocks of digital circuitry. Qian’s Caltech lab applied DNA gate architecture to create “reaction cascades” that function as Hopfield associative memory. A Hopfield net is a recurrent neural network (a network consisting of neurons that send feedback signals to each other) that has synaptic connection patterns with an underlying Lyanpunov function, a type of mathematical scalar function.


Approximately seven years later, Qian’s team further experimented with their DNA neural network and published their results in Nature in July 2018. Kevin Cherry of Caltech showed that synthetic biomolecular circuits could recognize molecular handwriting.


Why create a DNA-based computer that is small enough to run inside a single cell? With molecular computing, potential new types of medications and diagnostic techniques could be developed for use in precision medicine. This type of ground-breaking technology could transform industries such as health care, pharmaceutical, biotech, and chemicals. A DNA-based computer can enable scientists to research the origin and nature of diseases and cellular dysfunction. Qian and her research team have demonstrated that intelligent DNA systems are not only feasible but may one day lead to biochemical systems that may advance scientific understanding of the nature of intelligence and neuroscience.

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.5679935   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Cybernetic Manifesto[1]



Philosophy is the putting of our thought and language in order. Philosophy is important. Philosophy is a part of our knowledge.



Cybernetic epistemology defines knowledge as the existence in a cybernetic system of a model of some part of reality as it is perceived by the system. A model is a recursive generator of predictions about the world which allow the cybernetic system to make decisions about its actions. The notions of meaning and truth must be defined from this perspective.


Knowledge is both objective and subjective because it results from the interaction of the subject (the cybernetic system) and the object (its environment). Knowledge about an object is always relative: it exists only as a part of a certain subject. We can study the relation between knowledge and reality (is the knowledge true or false, first of all); then the subject of knowledge becomes, in its turn, an object for another subject of knowledge. But knowledge in any form (a proposition, a prediction, a law), irrespective of any subject is a logical absurdity. A detailed development of cybernetic epistemology on the basis of these definitions is critical for the formalization of the natural science and natural philosophy, and the interpretation of mathematical systems.

3.Freedom, will, control.


Cybernetic metaphysics asserts that freedom is a fundamental property of things. Natural laws act as constraints on that freedom; they do not necessarily determine a course of events. This notion of freedom implies the existence of an agency, or agencies, that resolve the indeterminacy implicit in freedom by choosing one of the possible actions. Such an agency is defined as a will. A will exercises control over a system when the freedom of that system is constrained by actions chosen by the will.



We understand God in the spirit of pantheism. God is the highest level of control in the Universe. God is for the Universe what human will is for human body. Natural laws are one of the manifestations of God's will. Another manifestation is the evolution of the Universe: the Evolution.

5.Metasystem transition


When a number of systems become integrated so that a new level of control emerges, we say that a metasystem has formed. We refer to this process as a metasystem transition.


A metasystem transition is, by definition, a creative act. It cannot be solely directed by the internal structure or logic of a system, but must always comes from outside causes, from "above".



The metasystem transition is the quantum of evolution. Highly organized systems, including living creatures, are multilevel hierarchies of control resulting from metasystem transitions of various scales.


Major evolutionary events are large-scale metasystem transitions which take place in the framework of the trial-and-error processes of natural selection.


Examples include: the formation of self-duplicating macromolecules; formation of multicellular organisms; emergence of intelligent organisms; formation of human society.

  1. Human intelligence


Human intelligence, as distinct from the intelligence of non-human animals, emerges from a metasystem transition, which is the organism's ability to control the formation of associations of mental representations. All of specifically human intelligence, including imagination, language, self-consciousness, goal-setting, humor, arts and sciences, can be understood from this perspective.

8.Social integration


The emergence of human intelligence precipitated a further, currently ongoing, metasystem transition, which is the integration of people into human societies. Human societies are qualitatively different from societies of animals because of the ability of the human being to create (not just use) language. Language serves two functions: communication between individuals and modeling of reality. These two functions are, on the level of social integration, analogous to those of the nervous system on the level of integration of cells into a multicellular organism.


Using the material of language, people make new — symbolic - models of reality (scientific theories, in particular) such as never existed as neural models given us by nature. Language is, as it were, an extension of the human brain. Moreover, it is a unitary common extension of the brains of all members of society. It is a collective model of reality that all members of society labor to improve, and one that preserves the experience of preceding generations.

9.The era of Reason

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.5679941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We make a strong analogy between societies and neural, multicellular organisms. The body of a society is the bodies of all people plus the things made by them. Its "physiology" is the culture of society. The emergence of human society marks the appearance of a new mechanism of Universal Evolution: previously it was natural selection, now it becomes conscious human effort. The variation and selection necessary for the increase of complexity of the organization of matter now takes place in the human brain; it becomes inseparable from the willed act of the human being. This is a turning point in the history of the world: the era of Reason begins.


The human individual becomes a point of concentration of Cosmic Creativity. With the new mechanism of evolution, its rate increases manifold.

10.Global integration


Turning to the future we predict that social integration will continue in two dimensions, which we can call width and depth. On the one hand (width), the growth of existing cultures will lead to the formation of a world society and government, and the ecological unification of the biosphere under human control. The ethics of cybernetical world-view demands that each of us act so as to preserve the species and the ecosystem, and to maximize the potential for continued integration and evolution.

11.Human super-beings


On the other hand (depth), we foresee the physical integration of individual people into "human super-beings", which communicate through the direct connection of their nervous systems. This is a cybernetic way for an individual human person to achieve immortality.

12.Ultimate human values


The problem of immortality is the problem of ultimate human values, and vice versa.


Living creatures display a behavior resulting from having goals. Goals are organized hierarchically, so that in order to achieve a higher-level goal the system has to set and achieve a number of lower-level goals (subgoals). This hierarchy has a top: the supreme, ultimate goals of a creature's life. In an animal this top is inborn: the basic instincts of survival and reproduction. In a human being the top goals can go beyond animal instincts. The supreme goals, or values, of human life are, in the last analysis, set by an individual in an act of free choice. This produces the historic plurality of ethical and religious teachings. There is, however a common denominator to these teachings: the will to immortality. The animal is not aware of its imminent death; the human person is. The human will to immortality is a natural extension of the animal will for life.

13.Decline of metaphysical immortality


One concept of immortality we find in the traditional great religions. We designate it as metaphysical. It is known as immortality of soul, life after death, etc. The protest against death is used here as a stimulus to accept the teaching; after all, from the very beginning it promises immortality. Under the influence of the critical scientific method, the metaphysical notions of immortality, once very concrete and appealing, are becoming increasingly abstract and pale; old religious systems are slowly but surely losing their influence.


=== 14.Creative immortality v


Another concept of immortality can be called creative, or evolutionary. The idea is that mortal humans contribute, through their creative acts, to the ongoing universal and eternal process – call it Evolution, or History, or God – thus surviving their physical destruction. This uniquely human motive underlies, probably, all major creative feats of human history.

15.Cybernetic immortality

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.5679945   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The successes of science make it possible to raise the banner of cybernetic immortality. The idea is that the human being is, in the last analysis, a certain form of organization of matter. This is a very sophisticated organization, which includes a high multilevel hierarchy of control. What we call our soul, or our consciousness, is associated with the highest level of this control hierarchy. This organization can survive a partial — perhaps, even a complete — change of the material from which it is built. It is a shame to die before realizing one hundredth of what you have conceived and being unable to pass on your experience and intuition. It is a shame to forget things even though we know how to store huge amount of information in computers and access them in split seconds.

16.Evolution and immortality


Cybernetic integration of humans must preserve the creative core of human individual, because it is the engine of evolution. And it must make it immortal, because for the purpose of evolution there is no sense in killing humans. In natural selection, the source of change is the mutation of the gene; nature creates by experimenting on genes and seeing what kind of a body they produce. Therefore, nature has to destroy older creations in order to make room for the newer ones. The mortality of multicellular organisms is an evolutionary necessity. At the present new stage of evolution, the evolution of human-made culture, the human brain is the source of creativity, not an object of experimentation. Its loss in death is unjustifiable; it is an evolutionary absurdity. The immortality of human beings is on the agenda of Cosmic Evolution.

17.Evolution of the human person


The future immortality of the human person does not imply its frozen constancy. We can understand the situation by analogy with the preceding level of organization.


Genes are controllers of biological evolution and they are immortal, as they should be. They do not stay unchanged, however, but undergo mutations, so that human chromosomes are a far cry from the chromosomes of primitive viruses.


Cybernetically immortal human persons may mutate and evolve in interaction with other members of the super-being, while possibly reproducing themselves in different materials. Those human persons who will evolve from us may be as different from us as we are different from viruses. But the defining principle of the human person will probably stay fixed, as did the defining principle of the gene.

  1. How integration may occur


Should we expect that the whole of humanity will unite into a single super-human being?


This does not seem likely, if we judge from the history of evolution. Life grows like a pyramid; its top goes up while the basis is widening rather than narrowing. Even though we have seized control of the biosphere, our bodies make up only a small part of the whole biomass. The major part of it is still constituted by unicellular and primitive multicellular organisms, such as plankton. Realization of cybernetic immortality will certainly require some sacrifices — a vehement drive to develop science, to begin with. It is far from obvious that all people and all communities will wish to integrate into immortal super-beings. The will to immortality, as every human feature, varies widely in human populations. Since the integration we speak about can only be free, only a part of mankind – probably a small part - should be expected to integrate. The rest will continue to exist in the form of "human plankton".

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 10:57 a.m. No.5679946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

19.Integration on the Cosmic scene


But it is the integrated part of humanity that will ultimately control the Universe. Unintegrated humanity will not be able to compete with the integrated part. This becomes especially clear when we realize that the whole Cosmos, not the planet Earth, will be the battlefield. No cosmic role for the human race is possible without integration. The units that take decisions must be rewarded for those decisions, otherwise they will never take them. Can we imagine "human plankton" crowded in rockets in order to reach a distant star in ten, twenty or fifty generations? Only integrated immortal creatures can conquer the outer space.

20.Current problems


At present our ideas about the cybernetic integration of humans are very abstract and vague. This is inevitable; long range notions and goals may be only abstract. But this does not mean that they are not relevant to our present concerns and problems. The concept of cybernetic immortality can give shape to the supreme goals and values we espouse, even though present-day people can think realistically only in terms of creative immortality (although – who knows?).


The problem of ultimate values is the central problem of our present society. What should we live for after our basic needs are so easily satisfied by the modern production system? What should we see as Good and what as Evil? Where are the ultimate criteria for judging social organization?


Historically, great civilizations are inseparable from great religions which gave answers to these questions. The decline of traditional religions appealing to metaphysical immortality threatens to degrade modern society. Cybernetic immortality can take the place of metaphysical immortality to provide the ultimate goals and values for the emerging global civilization.

21.Integration and freedom


We are living at a time when we can see the basic contradiction of the constructive evolution of mankind very clearly: it is the contradiction between human integration and human freedom. Integration is an evolutionary necessity. If humanity sets itself goals which are incompatible with integration the result will be an evolutionary dead end: further creative development will become impossible. Then we shall not survive. In the evolving Universe there is no standstill: all that does not develop perishes. On the other hand, freedom is precious for the human being; it is the essence of life. The creative freedom of individuals is the fundamental engine of evolution in the era of Reason. If it is suppressed by integration, as in totalitarianism, we shall find ourselves again in an evolutionary dead end. This contradiction is real, but not insoluble. After all, the same contradiction has been successfully solved on other levels of organization in the process of evolution. When cells integrate into multicellular organisms, they continue to perform their biological functions–metabolism and fission. The new quality, the life of the organism, does not appear despite the biological functions of the individual cells but because of them and through them. The creative act of free will is the "biological function" of the human being. In the integrated super-being it must be preserved as an inviolable foundation, and the new qualities must appear through it and because of it. Thus the fundamental challenge that the humanity faces now is to achieve an organic synthesis of integration and freedom.

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.5679971   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Researchers discover that DNA naturally fluoresces


For decades, textbooks have stated that macromolecules within living cells, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins, do not fluoresce on their own. Technology instead relies on special fluorescence dyes to enhance contrast when macromolecules are imaged.


But now Professors Vadim Backman, Hao Zhang, and Cheng Sun have discovered that macromolecule structures in living cells do, in fact, naturally fluoresce. This finding could open the next frontier of biological discovery by paving a new way for label-free, super-resolution nanoscopic imaging and expanding the understanding of biological processes.


"Everybody has overlooked this effect because nobody asked the right question," said Backman, Walter Dill Scott Professor of Biomedical Engineering in Northwestern's McCormick School of Engineering. "It sounds cliché, but you get the answer to the question you ask. When we actually asked the right question, we got a very different answer than expected."


This research is described in the August 15 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Backman and Zhang served as the study's co-senior authors. Biqin Dong, a postdoctoral fellow in Zhang's laboratory, and Luay Almassalha, a graduate student in Backman's laboratory, are co-first authors of the paper.


"There are textbooks that say biological molecules don't absorb light and don't fluoresce," said Zhang, associate professor of biological engineering. "It's what everyone learns; it's a part of training, so nobody questions it."


The reason why no one spotted the fluorescence before? The molecules were in the "dark state," a condition in which they do not absorb or emit light. But just because they spend so much time in the dark state does not mean they never emit light. Backman likens the situation to athletic interval training.


"Sprinters alternate running very, very fast and resting," Backman explained. "You might catch them when they are resting and assume they aren't doing anything. That's what DNA and proteins do. They fluoresce for a very short time and then rest for a very long time."


Backman, Zhang, and Sun discovered that when illuminated with visible light, the molecules get excited and light up well enough to be imaged without fluorescent stains. When excited with the right wavelength, they even light up better than they would with the best, most powerful fluorescent labels.


"This is ideal because staining is toxic," Zhang said, "and it makes imaging less precise."


This toxicity makes it tricky to get an accurate image of the active processes in living cells because they die immediately after the application of fluorescent stains. There are special dyes used to image living cells, but those just cause the cells to die slower.


"The cell might die in two hours, so you can still do imaging in the first half hour," Backman said. "But what exactly are you measuring? What are you actually seeing? Are you looking at real processes of the cell? Or are you looking at processes in a cell that is about to die? Nobody knows."


Thanks to Backman, Zhang, and Sun, the world soon might know.


Explore further: Enhancing molecular imaging with light


More information: Superresolution intrinsic fluorescence imaging of chromatin utilizing native, unmodified nucleic acids for contrast,


Read more at:

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 11 a.m. No.5679998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Angelfire: CIA’ Undetectable Implants Infect Windows Boot Sector


WikiLeaks suffered a cyber attack earlier today, but that couldn’t stop the whistleblowing platform from publishing the latest trove of data of CIA’s Vault 7 series documents. Codenamed project Angelfire, the set of five hacking tools was developed to target unsuspecting users on Windows operating system including Windows XP and Windows 7.


According to leaked documents, the tools were named as 1: Solartime, 2: Wolfcreek, 3: Keystone (previously MagicWand), 4: BadMFS, and 5: the Windows Transitory File system.


1: Solartime


Solartime is a malware component whose sole purpose is to modify the partition boot sector of Windows XP or Windows 7 machines so that once Windows loads boot time device drivers, it can also run the Wolfcreek implant which can further execute other Angelfire implants on a targeted system.


2: Keystone


Keystore was once known as MaficWand. This implant is responsible for loading malicious user applications on Windows XP or Windows 7 that never touch the file system leaving “little forensic evidence that the process was ever running,” according to leaked documents.


3: BadMFS


BadMFS is a library that stores every implant and driver activated by Wolfcreek. In some cases, BadMFS can be detected but mostly “all files are both encrypted and obfuscated to avoid string or PE header scanning.”


4: Windows Transitory File system


Windows Transitory File system is used to install Angelfire to control the files by removing or adding from the implant.


The leaked documents are dated back to 2011.

Love 0v3A0170A3 ID: fd5eb3 March 14, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.5680026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top 20 Facts on 5G: What You Need To Know About 5G Wireless and “Small” Cells


Connected Air: Smart Dust Is The Future Of The Quantified World


5G and IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast