To encourage white birth rate increase, we’d have to get rid of crippling student loan debt and have sexy celebrities tell women it’s cool and progressive to be mothers instead of perusing a career.
“Diversity is our greatest strength”
White people do not want to be led by black people anymore than blacks want to be led by whites. And black and white Americans are about as close culturally as it gets. The (((leftist))) push to replace whites with Muslims and Spanish-speaking South Americans has shown us the danger in that thinking.
You bet. Of course there are other factors. White people stopped having kids because because both man and woman have to work and still can’t afford a home or get out of debt, and kids are too expensive. Contrast to poor black and Muslims who live off government and get incentives to have more kids.
Also, (((feminism))) teaches women all sorts of horrible things that make them raise women without fathers, and to stay away from toxic white men.
Black Americans want their own Wakanda, and since Jews brought them here against their will, it may be in our best interest to negotiate a part of the US for them to run and build themselves out the ghettos they’ve been shackled to. The people who have been subverting whites have also been subverting blacks so an alliance and land deal could make sense for both of us.
“Diversity is our strength! Join us in celebrating gay pride and ethnic diversity! Elect more women!”