Anonymous ID: a23059 Oct. 25, 2018, 11:34 p.m. No.3609166   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9193 >>9195


>carrying capacity of the planet, maximum practical population

this is a total non issue. population adjusts to carrying capacity, no matter what. you either live or die. that is the carrying capacity. nature always balances. there is no guarantee that population can keep growing but it is not something humans need to control. the only people who want to control population are those who want to keep more shit for themselves and so they kill other people to do that. they are idiots though. pro-growth people always win in the end.

Anonymous ID: a23059 Oct. 25, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.3609184   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9290


read the IPCC bullshit. they are also planning global CO2 tax. so they will be taxing the entire global population for right to breath. if you don't pay you are "pollution" that will be eliminated.


these people are a) batshit insane b) totally delusional because none of these idiot plans will ever come close to being implemented.

Anonymous ID: a23059 Oct. 25, 2018, 11:44 p.m. No.3609210   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9215 >>9218 >>9539


>piss away their fruits of labor on having Niger fertility rate at an artificially propped up

this is wrong thinking. increasing birth rate is good, even if it exceeds carrying capacity, because it strengthens population. genetics is lottery. more children you have more likely one will survive and have extraordinary skill.


birth control and depopulation are biggest lie. trying to keep poor populations poor by reducing probability that they will breed children that can escape poverty and increase the power of their social group.

Anonymous ID: a23059 Oct. 25, 2018, 11:55 p.m. No.3609256   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9303


>advocating for the West to cut the aid to non-Western nations

perfectly reasonable. but you have it backward. western AID(s) is there to reduce population, not to increase it. typical pattern: dump lots of western food, drive farmers out of business, concentrate people in cities. oh shit, lots of disease now. cut off supplies of western food. oh shit, famine. rinse. repeat.


> the West is having less children than what they could have because

people are ignorant or just stupid. no other reason.

Anonymous ID: a23059 Oct. 26, 2018, 12:09 a.m. No.3609343   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>But for POTUS, we'd be beyond CLOSE to these things. We'd have them.

100%. the global warming scam has been planned since 60's at least, so it is about 70 years of planning and work that has gone into it. watching these people fail after so much work brings a lot of joy to my life.


the next phase will be even better. now that "climate change" is scientifically proven we have to create policies to address it. naturally those policies will be: increase military, increase industry, and build a wall to keep ourselves safe. so all of their propaganda is turned on its head and used against them.

Anonymous ID: a23059 Oct. 26, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.3609446   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9482


>look at their fertility rates, then look at ours

fertility increases when you are under pressure. think about probability of survival. poor people breed more because it increases chances of survival. fertility fell in west after we were inundated with food surplus, forced into schools (subversion as you rightly say), etc. that is all that western aid is trying to do in other poor countries. they are trying to cut population growth with exact same techniques they used here.


the policy motive behind mass migration is to de-homogenize societies, and increase conflict, which destabilizes governing institutions and makes social and political organization more difficult, thus making population easier to control.


mass migration is a different policy track than population control programs and the two different policies may actually conflict in some areas, although they can also work together.

Anonymous ID: a23059 Oct. 26, 2018, 12:48 a.m. No.3609587   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>As if nature is separate from nature. Man thinking he is separate from nature is what got us into this mess in the first place!

totally agree, that is big picture. but even without understanding/accepting that, you can still disprove a "rational scientific" malthusian argument based on its own internal logical contradictions and massive contradictory evidence from the real world, which is the point i was trying to make.

Anonymous ID: a23059 Oct. 26, 2018, 1:48 a.m. No.3609891   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>That package looks like it was never even handled or shipped

maybe. i tend to trust the secret service until proven otherwise though, so if they say they intercepted in mail i will believe that until it is disproved. of course, there is also no proof that this is picture of what they intercepted.