Truly sad indeed
Only that they can't be honest with themselves or anybody else
He wasn't talking to you
Happy Birthday, anon!
All except me :(
Cool, thanks!
So don't trust God, see how far that gets you; I trust Him for my next breath
Awwwww, poor Bruce
I doubt I will too, thanks Newt!
That's exactly what you do when you're in a foxhole and are being overrun by the enemy, and are low on ammo and about to die: you empty the magazine until it's gone, and then you swing the rifle like a club, and get out your knife
Oh! I thought you were talking about the libs. Comprehension is key
The Anarchist Cookbook has been online since probably 5 minutes after the public internet was launched
You and me, both! It's the new status symbol
Well yeah, but still top kek
That opened my eyes
That was the rumour all through the 2016 cycle; esp. on 911
Interesting to me that they'd be releasing this information during this administration; they've probably known about this cat for a long, long time, and this could have been released during any previous administration
I've heard that if they're clones, they don't live very long