Anonymous ID: 80e280 David Limbaugh Splains Trump-speak to the MSM Oct. 26, 2018, 5:29 a.m. No.3610705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What the virtue-signaling liberal media cannot understand about Trump

At his campaign rally in Houston this week President Trump declared that he is a nationalist, and you would think he’d called Democrats “deplorables,” or something.

As soon as I heard the forbidden word, I knew the liberal media would call 911. You’d think they’d have more pride than to allow Trump to pull their chains so easily, but like conditioned hound dogs, they started barking their indignant condemnations.


CNN’s Don Lemon - “It is a favorite of the ‘alt-right’ and is loaded with nativist and racial undertones,”

Nicolle Wallace (MSNBC) - “Do you think he has any idea the history of World War II or Nazism that it came from a call for nationalism?”

Jim Acosta, directly confronted the president, saying, “There is a concern that you are sending coded language, or a dog whistle to some Americans out there, that what you really mean is you’re a white nationalist.”


He (Trump) doesn’t speak in code. When he says, ‘I’m a nationalist,’ he’s not winking at Neo-Nazis. He’s saying, ‘I’m a patriot and you PC people can’t make me quit using the word, ‘nationalist.’”

. . . But make no mistake – the liberal media and other Trump haters want the rest of America to believe that Trump-supporting conservatives are racists who long for a white America. We don’t think in such sick terms. These malicious attacks on Trump must be seen for what they are: an indictment of his millions of supporters.

The virtue-signaling liberal press don’t get it. . .

There’s moar . . . .

READ full article HERE: