Anonymous ID: 83efeb Oct. 26, 2018, 5:44 a.m. No.3610783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0799 >>1253

I made the mistake of reading that tweet allegedly about the HRC Huma video contents bf twatter took it down. The sickest of sick which I wasn't prepared for. But it would explain why a couple of NYPD's Finest got physically ill after viewing. I think I'll choose not top watch it if it's ever released. However it did corroborate my own theory that the whole "adrenochrome" story is really a Red Herring and that the real story is about the Pineal Gland. Specifically, its production of the DMT molecule under certain physical/mental conditions. See Movie: "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" which used to be on Netflaxs before it was co-opted by the globalists. Another clue that it's all about the Pineal can be found in the WL's Stratfor dump where there is an email thread involving an unhinged teenager of a named S employee where the kid threatens to "smoke" a rival's/ex-friend's "Pineal" in a truly bizarre rant of an email. Last, I was on a GLP's thread before the site was fully co-opted in 2016 where this email and subject was being discussed at length. The gist of the thread was the cabal's theft and use of pineals. The thread was closed/banned almost immediately after a anonymous poster mysteriously wrote "You guys are closer to the truth than you know." P.S. DMT is believed by many to be the substance which is responsible for Near Death Experiences (NDEs) as well as Astral Projection/Out Of Body Experiences (OOBEs), Remote Viewing, etc.

Anonymous ID: 83efeb Oct. 26, 2018, 6:08 a.m. No.3610942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0983 >>0995 >>1055


Yes anon I've noticed. I think it's a limited hang out. We all have the ability to produce DMT, some more than others, and there is a growing opinion that it is responsible for the "paranormal" abilities of some which have been witnessed and recorded for centuries. Some even believe that it is used to transition one's consciousness or "soul" through the death phase. This is why so many NDEs describe very similar phenomena. Perhaps there is DMT in the bloodstream while undergoing incredible trauma. It has even been cited as the factor which causes dissociative states. That's why that one CP drawing of the child lying prone with fading images of their body rising vertically with the standing adult so unnerves me.

Anonymous ID: 83efeb Oct. 26, 2018, 6:19 a.m. No.3611039   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You mean old, stale and dusty sauce. Folks are actually smoking DMT. Run a yootube search. Not so much "adrenochrome" which is more of an urban myth. You'll find that any interwebs discussion of the P gland disappears very quickly.