The fates of Lincoln and Kennedy, both had this in common: they sought to end the central bank.
Our Great POTUS selflessly aims to do the same.
The fates of Lincoln and Kennedy, both had this in common: they sought to end the central bank.
Our Great POTUS selflessly aims to do the same.
Both presidents, Lincoln and Kennedy, had this in common: They recognized the userous and parasitic nature of the Central Bank and sought to end it. Does our current great POTUS seek to do the same? Does this explain the concerted efforts of career politicians; mainstream media; world governments; to destroy his presidency? His knowledge of American History makes him acutely aware of (((their))) plans, and his selfless efforts to define and protect America's borders indicate a singular conclusion: He also intends to "End The Fed" and scatter their dark forces into 1,000 pieces. If history does not tell you that our Great Country, long ago, was infiltrated and controlled by hidden powers, then I do not know what other evidence to offer. May God Bless and Protect our fearless POTUS.