Anonymous ID: eefe7c Oct. 26, 2018, 5:26 a.m. No.3610694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0718 >>0730 >>0778 >>0793 >>1126 >>1325


The Beginners Practice of Inner Fire Meditation:


  1. First sit in an upright and comfortable meditation posture: back straight, chin tilted forward, mouth closed, tongue resting against the top of your mouth, eyes either intense and fully open or relaxed and half open.


  1. Visualise yourself as hollow, like a balloon. Your skin is glowing and brilliant and on the inside there is only empty space. Take a few moment to strongly establish this visualisation.


  1. Visualise a ‘central channel’ about a 1cm thick from your perineum to the crown of your head and two ‘side channels’ going in through the nostrils up to the third eye or eyebrow level and then going down either side of the central channel merging at just below the navel. All the ‘channels’ are hollow like plumbing pipes. Take a moment to establish this visualisation, it does get easier and even instantaneous with practice. See image.


  1. Even if you cannot do the former visualisation this next step is the most important in generating the blissful energy: Take a medium sized breath and, as you exhale, imagine your breath energy going down the two side channels and merging into the central channel just below the navel (about a few cm in front of the spine). Imagine a very small and very hot ball of light in the central channel and your breath ignites this fiery ball and makes it extremely hot. Now exhale completely and hold it. Hold your exhaled breath, your lungs empty, there in that ball of heat at the navel, for 5-15 seconds (experienced yogis can hold the breath here for several minutes). WARNING: stop immediately and breathe normally if you get dizzy or lightheaded.


  1. Now release all the energy you have created – straight up through the central and bursting out the top of your head like a fountain. As the energy rushes up through the central channel it blows away any blockages in all the chakras from the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the third eye and crown chakra. this energy cleanses and purifies your entire body mind system. You can also imagine releasing the energy into parts of your body you need to heal.


  1. Repeat steps 2-5


…try Inner Fire Meditation for 2-5 minutes to begin with. Do not practice for extended periods of time until you become familiar with the practice and feel confident and strong enough to do so.


This may have sounded complicated, but it is incredibly simple to practice. For an easy and modified version simply exhale long slow breaths right down into the navel area and hold it there for a short time and release it, this can also be enough to generate heat and bliss.

Anonymous ID: eefe7c Oct. 26, 2018, 5:41 a.m. No.3610764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0769 >>0796 >>0825 >>0888


It's been really funny watching people be confronted with justifying their viewpoints and not having any arguments beyond "This is how a book told me to be" or something like that. Ask a Christian to consider that there may be other ways to experience God than through Christ and they lock up. Their programming won't allow them to consider that other religions could be accurate.