TY Baker!
>>3610268 (pb)
>>3610268 (pb)
Read on.
>>3611385 (lb)
First, THIS. They believe it, so, to them, it's true.
>Follow the bloodlines.
>What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
>Who worships Satan?
They worship a very old god. Long/Short:
Judaism was infiltrated a long time ago (read your OT; why do you think God send Jesus to begin with?). All those warnings in the OT about worshiping false gods? There was a real reason for all that. The gods they worshiped back then, antithetical to "the One True God", promised power and wealth in exchange for sacrifice. It was a perverted version of "Atonement sacrifice" that the Israelites practiced. Everything they do is a perversion of the "normie" blessings from God.
Here are some light readings on the matter:
This next one is telling because it actually describes the deception within deception. These groups infiltrated the Israelites, pretend to be them, practice their old gods worship, and then cast anyone that discovers and shares this as an "anti-Semite".
The problem is, these imposters aren't Semites at all (pics related). They push this shit way down the memory hole as far as they can, every single time.
This was found in the Bin Laden compound:
Here's a summary:
Keep in mind that I do not fully endorse these guys, but they cover this particular subject really well.
I'm not really sure why these posts don't seem to generate more responses or attention, but understanding this insanity is a key part of understanding why we're even here to begin with. Q and team are literally dismantling this.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 5f8edb No.2773726 📁
Aug 28 2018 18:33:25 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 285df8 No.2773700 📁
Aug 28 2018 18:32:30 (EST)
Hey Q
Does P= Payseur ?
When Do we start seeing the Pain…
This is Q quoting an anon that made the link originally.
The "Chair" serves the Master.
Who is the Master?
P = C.
Q tells us the Chair (St. Peter's Chair, or the Chair that the Pope sits on) serves the Master (Satan). P = Payseur, so that would seem to imply that the Papal order of succession isn't just a random thing, but instead selected by their bloodline association to the Payseurs.