[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 585c72 Losers Oct. 26, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.3612619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2651

Politicians ate babies and then gloated their political prowesss on a chan board with tax dollars

[m4xr3sdEfault]*******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ ) ID: 585c72 Oct. 26, 2018, 9:02 a.m. No.3612786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This stupid pedovore keeps force ing the rape culture stassi ganagland zersetzung on the graves of his fallen victims

But can't show taxes or shitpost it's own board