Anonymous ID: 4ffea4 Oct. 26, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.3614493   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3614204 (lb)

In our world of no coincidences, what is the significance of Khashoggi allegedly being brutally murdered WITH premeditation A YEAR TO THE DAY from the attempted assassination of MBS in Las Vegas? We know that Khashoggi was tight with Dopey bin Talal and the other Princes of the Old Deep State Guard who all wanted desperately to regain control of SA as does our own Deep State. Where was Khashoggi during MBS round up and detention of the Dirty Princes during the first week of last November? I'm sure that he wasn't in SA. Has he been back at all since the purge? I doubt it. Instead staying safely in the U.S., the clown WaPo and Virginia. Was Khashoggi directly involved with Las Vegas? Wait until the American People find out that the greatest mass shooting in U.S. history was the result of an op directed by Dopey, Bandar Bush (what happened with him?) and Khashoggi who certainly would have know of the plot being second in the Old Guard Intel group.