Anonymous ID: f8777b Oct. 26, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.3614747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5075


I won't speak for the "collageanon" as it seems suspect in retrospect, it was odd when he decided to start speaking up, and now threads & collages are showing up on this van…AND, where is "collageanon" now? I don't recall seeing any posted yesterday or today…I'll leave that where it is for now

Regarding bonafide anons, think: Deep State lists. If she'd won, many of us would have been targeted as dissidents for the years of work done to move toward this awakening prior to Q. I've never had any doubt that they know exactly who i am and why i'm here on Earth.

>Military planning at its finest.

(muh last you from Q^)

I'd imagine that Patriots have access to that list, and set things in motion in order to ensure that we'd be safe at the least, & at most available for this information war as, using the words of Gen. Flynn, "Digital Soldiers". I have to admit that the circumstances that led me to Q (very 1st day) were weird, to say the least, & even weirder stuff has happened since. Yet, I've never seen or felt harm coming my way through it all. We've been told specifically that we are safe. Expanding thinking, this is GOD's Plan overall, I've seen divine timing & intervention throughout, @ least from my side of the screen. That said, I wouldn't worry much about harm from DS if i were you. If they can't even get this fake bomb shit right, then….